Out Laws For In Laws

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"Where is my apprentice?"

Camila has little to no idea who this woman is.

She's a rather tall, older woman. Camila does think she's doing well for her age, nonetheless. The way she carried herself displayed her anger, and a small squeak made her look down.

There she saw a boy with green hair (teenagers nowadays were so strange. They always seemed to be dyeing their hair such bizarre colours), who looked frightened to his core.

What has Luz done now?


"Where. Is. My. Apprentice," they repeated. Voice laced with desperation and panic.

"Could you possibly be more specific?"

The woman began to be impatient, pacing back and forth. Going on a tangent of describing her features.

"Her name is Luz Noceda. Brown hair, eyes and skin. About this tall," she gestured violently, shaking in worry and impatience. "Wears black earrings, round ears, always wears that one purple hoodie with the cat ears attached to it. Has the brightest smile in the existence of humanity."

Camila was surprised that anyone would come asking for her daughter. Luz didn't exactly have a lot of friends or confidants to come knocking at their doorstep.

The next thing she realized was the odd choice in outfits, but also a single sharp golden tooth at the top of her jaw. She decides not to comment on their pointy ears either (maybe they were one of those cosplayers Luz was always showing her).

Then it clicked. This must have been the camp counselor Luz was talking about.

The one she'd adored.

"You must be the camp counselor she was talking about."

"Excuse me?"

"While I do appreciate you coming all the way here, Luz will not be returning to camp. She will be staying here with me."

"That's not- that's not what this is!" the woman exclaimed.

Camila quipped an eyebrow, puzzled at the woman's remark. Why on earth would she come here if it weren't to take Luz back?

Camila shook her head. No, Luz was so upset when she came home. She rambled on and on regarding a mentor and friends and how she was ruining something.

A small pit of anger nestled in her stomach, threatening to burst any second.

If these two had any reason for Luz's pain, she was certainly not letting them see her.

"Look, I don't think my daughter wants to see either of you right now."

"Please, this is very important. I need to talk to her right this second-"

"That is a no. You and your camp made my daughter upset and I will not have you hurt her again," she snapped.

Pressing her lips together, she prepared to shut the door. No one hurt her mija. Camila would absolutely murder (or at least traumatize them for life) anyone who would dare hurt her child.

Sure, Luz got into god knows what kind of problems in her youth. I mean, she let loose spiders, snakes, lizards, a tarantula that one time (Camila doesn't even know where she got that) and made some... interesting special effects in her time.

But none of that was ever something people would hurt you for.

Luz was an eccentric child made of beautiful things like sunlight and maple. And sometimes the sun got in your eye and maple stung your throat.

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