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Abel's POV 

I scoop up the dishes and wash up while Fay helps me clean "you don't talk much do you ?"she smiles at me ,being silent for a while until i hear her low voice "yeah ,but you do "i laugh as i set the last of the dishes .

I act as if i was checking my phone but i look at her through the corner of my eye ,she looks at all the ornaments and the paintings that decorate our living room .

"we have alot of ice-cream let me just get it "
"noo no i am fine i am quite full " i see how she hides that wants it 

I walk up to her as she continues admiring the paintings .My chest grazes her back ,leaning down just enough so i can talk to her "Fay ,you can be yourself around me " she spins around with a mixed look of fear and confusion "i ...i am ".
"no you aren't, i know something happend before i moved here ,and i can see it still bothers 
you Fay"
"no i am fine thank you for your concern but i need to leave "
"no ,i want to know who did it "
"Abel i need to go "
"i will not let you go until you tell me who did that to you ,who made you question yourself .Why i see you hesitating to eat ,talk or even damn laugh ,i want to know who hurt you Fay " My voice was loud and clear and i was ready to kill who ever hurt her 
"i am not telling you anything "she tries to walk away but i grab her upper arm pulling her in ,i feel her tense against me .Her breasts pressed against my chest .
"tell me or we will stay in this position "
"Mo , Henry and his friend Jack"
"i will fucking kill them "
"what !!"
"nothing ,now lets have some ice-cream because i know you like it "
"and how do you know i like it ?"
"because you uhh you just like it " no way was i going to tell her i heard her telling her mum to get a tin for her ,though i will not mind giving her everything she craves ,desires and wants .

I grab the ice-cream from the freezer and full two bowls to the top with it "here "
we both sit on the couch as i scroll through Netflix "oh put THE EXORCIST" I gulp
 "You like horror ?"
"yeah it is more entertaining than comedy "
"yeah yeah " i click on the movie trying to look brave but i was fucking shiting my pants 
"you ok ?" i nod 

Half way through the movie and i still have the bowl blocking my eyes but she watches and does not even flinch "Abel seeeee!!" I look and my soul just fucking left my body .
"i need to go to the toilet I'll be back "

1 hour later 

I walk out of the bathroom as i wasn't hiding all along "Abel you missed the whole movie "
"yeah my uh tummy was not agreeing to the food i guess ,she shrugs "well i have to get going now .Thank you for a great evening "
"thank you for keeping this lonely soul company "

She walks away but i gently pull her back embracing her ,she takes a second to take it all in before wrapping her arms around my torso "thank you Fay "
"please don't kill anyone "
"no promises "

We exchanged numbers and  i was jumping with joy deep within .I walked her till her gate and waved her bye ,once she was inside i walk back .

I pull out my phone dialing his number 
"Armando "


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