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Fay's POV 

I am currently getting ready for the game which i don't really want to go to ,Michael insists because there is  a guy he likes and they flirted so he is damn determined to go to this game .

He picked out a black dress that is really short might i add along with a pair of ankle high sneakers .He waits for me in the living room while talking to my mum ,my dad is hardly around as he works often .

I walk down and my mum hugs me reminding me that she wants me home at 11."i know mum "
"shall we ?" I take Michael's hand and walk out .I felt confident having a friend by my side it reminded me of who i used to be just  a year ago .

We reach the school ,while i wait for Michael to park i see Abel with some girl ,not some girl it was Mo .I should have knew ,she is doing what she had done before no no no i can't not now i would die if that ever happend again .I run into the school toward the empty class ,i open my bag and dig for my blade ,the pain i felt was not going to fade till i really felt it .

Each cut was for each memory " you are fat Fay no one is going to love it no one ,they all hurt you because you deserve it " i sing to myself while tears flow down my face .

Michael swings open the door and looks at me with panic "Fay what the hell  !!"
"leave Michael"
"no Fay shut up and come with me " he drags me to the restroom and wipes away the blood and my smuged makeup .
"Fay please don't ever do that ,seeing you in pain is hurt to me " he begins crying with me 
"i can't Michael i keep getting hurt if not that i don't ever get love " i cry while hugging him 
"no love ,we can see Abel likes you "
"no he is working with Mo ,it's exactly what is was with Henry"
"no Abel would never do that ,he isn't a puppet"
"he is and i don't want to talk to that fool ever "
"fine ,how about after i see my man we get some food and head back to your place and watch some horror "
"sounds good " he wipes my tears and we walk out 

I don't know shit about football so i just sat and watched the ball was thrown and caught but i saw Abel stare at me for a hell of a long time .I didn't care though or well i didn't want to .

After the game i waited on the benches for Michael as he and his man were meeting up ,everyone was still here looking at the cheerleaders dance but it was stopped when the screen said the words sorry .

Before i knew it the spotlight was on me ,no legit the light was focused on me ,i see Mo ,Henry and Jack all walk up to me .I was about to run but strong hands held me down ,i look up and see Abel i knew it i fucking knew it !!! "what the fuck Abel?!"
"shh and listen ...all of you listen !!!!" he shouts to the crowd

Mo kneeled down holding my feet "Fay i am sorry for being a bitch and i swear i will never again do what i did as i ...i am ...a umm i am a bitch and a worthless cun..cunt " my eyes widen what the actual fuck "Fay i am sorry and i allow you to kick me and Jack in the balls "
Henry says and before i knew it my leg moved and i kicked  him in the dick .Abel moved my leg with power and force that Henry and soon Jack were on the floor crying in pain "Fay lets go "
"Abel leave me now "
He doesn't listen "I have to go to Michael!"
"Fay shut up ,i will tell him you are with me "

He gently yet roughly put me into his car ,"Abel let me out "
"because i want to go home "
"I'll take you home " before i could answer my phone rings and its Michael" were are you ??!!"
"I am with Abel ,you go home I'll call you when i get home "
"you better "

 I cut the call and look ahead but I see Abel look at me "were are we going ?"
"to eat i am hungry "
"couldn't you go with the team ?"
"no i wanted to eat with you "
"stop that Abel ,and what the fuck was that back there huh did you plan that out huh ?....FUCKING TELL ME ABEL !!!" he pulls over and looks at me 
"Fay they did you wrong and for that they said sorry and i will make sure no one ever messes with you because i won't fucking let them "

His gaze drops to my wrist he pulls my hand toward him looking at my cuts "Fay what the fuck is this ?!" He shouts me and legit nearly shit my pants "none of your business"
"it is ,i swear if i ever see this again you will not like what happens "
"shut up "
"don't you dare Fay "

I give him the stink eye as we drive to a diner ,we walk in and take a table and i sit infront of him as a middle aged woman serves us "hi kids what can i get you "
"I'll have a extra large burger ,chicken ...oh make that two and two chocolate milkshakes with  large fries"

She walks away "I didn't even order "
"hell Fay you think i am eating all that alone "

Did he read my mind because that was exactly what i wanted "Fay "
"talk to me "
"Fay "

He moves his chair closer to mine and i feel our knees touch "Fay" he whispers in my ear making me feel all hot and bothered "if you don't talk to me my hands will do some talking underneath this table " 
"what !!"
"shhh you heard me "
"stop it "
"No "  the lady brings our food "oh you young couples "
"oh no mam we are n..."he cuts me off
"you will be seeing this couple often " he says kissing my forehead 
"what the hell Abel "
"shh and eat "

I look at the big meal and i look at Abel and see he has already began eating "i am not that hungry "
"Fay shut your pie hole and eat now or lord so help me Fay "
I eat because i see his reaction which was what i loved ,this was better than my books ,the fact that he forced me to eat this gave me butterflies.



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