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Fay's POV

Those words came like a wave ,i was drowning and the one person who i felt and thought would save me was the one who left me for dead .

Every word that came out of his mouth was a dagger to my heart .I had so much trust in him so much faith .

I walked away and sat in the library trying to gain the courage and strength i once had in myself but it felt like a was shattered. Broken .

All my mind could do was reply his words over and over again .I walked to the bathroom and locked the door taking out my pencil case i pull out my pencil sharpener and took out the blade.

I looked at my now faded marks that tattooed my wrists ,the blade touched my skin before slicing away at it ,the pain i felt made me forget the pain i felt because of Abel .

I continued to cut my wrist till i saw blood that made me forget the emotional pain .I wiped my tears away as well as the blood and walked out as if it was fine ,as if i was fine .

4 days later

I stayed home for 4 days .I finally understood what girls meant by 'i can't he hurt me ' i have never felt so pathetic in my whole life .

I told my mum everything and like any other mom she tells me i need to move on and shit all so i just listened but didn't learn.He tried calling me but i didn't want to talk to him ,not yet .

I was still to broken and i didn't need this not at all .I am currently changing as mum wants to take me grocery shopping so i agreed to her ,I throw on a hoodie and legging's and walk down seeing her and dad in the car "hi Fay "dad greets "hi dad"
"I'll always be here for you baby "
"me to baby"they both say"

We drive to the store and mom says i could take what i want so i walk to the sweet isle and take a huge slab of KitKat I try to reach for the Cheetos but its to fucking high so i leave it and walk away till i hear the crunch of the packet .I turn and see Abel holding the packet "Fay please ..."I walk away with tears filling my eyes .

I hear his footsteps as he continues to follow me ,i reach my parents and see them cashing without saying anything i place the chocolate on the counter when his hand comes from behind and places the Cheetos on the counter "Abel nice to see you my boy " My dad greets him but my mom just looks at me then at Abel .

He stands with us till we were done cashing and he also helps with the packets ."Leave .Me .Alone " I say sternly "Never "

He walks us to the car but my heart races when he sits in the car "get out now "
"NO your mom invited me " my emotions are messed

"mom what the hell!!"
"get in the Fay we are talking at home "

I get in and sit against the window trying to keep the space but he comes close every time my head turns

"Fay please listen to me "
"shut the fuck up Abel"
"ok i deserve that but no i can't"
"I don't even fucking care "

He stares at me the whole ride home ,we soon reach and he helps mom take out the things when i see his mom walk towards me .She hugs me "I am soo sorry love he is a shit head and i hope that this doesn't make you hate me "
"no never " I hug her back as they walk inside

"oh you made it "my mom says to her
"of course I'd never miss your cooking "

They all walk in but i walk to the back yard and sit at my spot when Ryder joins me "heya boy i missed you "I hug my fur baby and kiss his head when i hear footsteps "can i join ?"
"well i am gonna sit either way"

He sits besides me and leans against me but i pull away "Fay please look i am so sorry that was just ....i have no words and i know i hurt you so much and i know that i don't even deserve a second chance but without you i cannot do anything "
"i don't care "
"i do and i care about you "
"no you used to "
"Fay baby i am so sorry please just don't leave me please " I look at him wanting to tell him he was a worthless asshole when i saw he was crying "Don't look at me " He says
"or what you will get angry?"
"no i am being weak "
"Abel boys can cry "
"yes they can but men can't"
"shut up and cry "
"ok "

He continued crying but i could tell this wasn't about me and him "Abel what's really wrong ?"
"my dad wants to take my sister away "
"what do you mean ?"
"he wants full custody of my sister and he is moving away to some place "
"what a prick !"
"yeah "
"well we will find a way i promise you "

He rests his head on my shoulder
"Fay i know i hurt you but st..."
"don't even think i have forgiven you Abel i am only wanting to help you and your mom "
"i know "

Abel's POV
she wants to help me despite my horrid behavior and that's why i love her .I am in love with her these four days have been hell .

The day after the fight i waited for her to come to class but she didn't show .It went on for the rest of the days .The last day i was coming home i saw her mom "Mrs Myers"

"yes "
"can i talk to you ?"
"pleasee please i am so sorry but i need her please i am so sorry but i can't let her go not today not ever please i am in love with your daughter i cannot live without her please "

Tears fulled my eyes and i try to wipe it away "Abel ...." she sighs "I don't think she wants to see
you "
"I know but i need her to forgive me "

She tells me what to do and it goes according to plan .I am now crying infront of Fay and she is being my woman as strong as she is .

I just hopes she forgives me .




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