part II - the real world

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After 5 months trapped in the prison world, Kai and Aurora finally escape the prison world. Aurora, confused with her feelings for Kai however, questions whether what they had in the prison world was only in the prison world, and not in the real world.

Aurora wondered if their relationship was the type of they were the only other person there type relationship, and she was thinking far too into this. However, unknown to her, Kai held all the same questions and worries, only he didn't understand what any of it meant.


Note: This is mostly AU and only had some parts regarding s6, but a lot of it is different ideas and storylines to focus around Aurora, since she is the main character (Sorry Elena) That as well as some storylines that happened in TVD happen later on, and not in the canon episode it did, if that makes sense.

For example, Liz Forbes death. She dies on episode 10, which is the Christmas episode (AKA where we're up too at this point) So, to match my storyline and how I have things going, that is later on in this part! Hope that all made sense

And chapters may be VERY long (like the island chapter long) So strap yourselves in and get ready.

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