Chapter-3: An Evening at Home with a Blue-Eyed Beauty

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He wasn't really expecting his cat to be outside again, and he definitely wasn't expecting her to be playing with the wolf behind a bush at a more secluded part of the building.

When he spots them while walking home after getting off the bus, the playful animals only stare at him, and he stares right back. He isn't sure if he should be freaked out or not, but seeing the calico being so calm makes him feel so too; and the wolf doesn't seem to be in defense or attack mode based on his rough knowledge of canidae body language—it seems to be rather playful and calm instead.

"You know what, I'm not even gonna ask," he says before his eyes travel up to his flat's balcony that is in his line of view from where he is stood; and seeing it is open—probably has been for the whole day— he says, "Guess I don't need to ask, either."

Sighing, he looks around to see if anyone is nearby. And seeing nobody besides the evening sparrows and squirrels (he does see a couple on a walk on the other side, but they are far and the wolf could definitely pass as a big dog if they do see him and the animals from there), Jungkook carefully walks closer to the two and sits down on the grass beside them. He sets his sling bag near his thigh, and the wolf lets out a little huff and the calico a little 'mmrow' as greetings.

"Greetings to you too, Marbs and Floof bean," he casually says, extending the back of his hand carefully towards the wolf's snout for it to sniff. And as Marble meows one more time, the blue-eyed beauty moves closer to him and allows his hand to be placed on its forehead. "You're adorable, thank you for not killing me, I hope you won't do it later," he says, gently running his fingers through the silky black fur and giving it a little scratch behind its ear, making the wolf lean into it more and peek its tongue out. "Ohoo, you like that, don't you? Such a cutie."

Marble isn't completely ignored, but when she feels like it, she paws on his thigh with another 'mmroww', making Jungkook give a chuckle and take her into a hug, earning the usual jelly bean slap from her before settling in his arms. "We should go back in, it's getting cold," he says, looking at the wolf afterwards.

The wolf doesn't move, it simply sits there staring at him, yawning a few seconds later, "Damn, your teeth are sharp… Have you eaten anything? I don't know if I have meat in the freezer, I'll have to buy some later– wait, are wolves strictly carnivores? Or can they eat other stuff too?" he rambles, opting to pull out his phone and google his sudden doubt instead of racking through his brain files for answers that aren't there.

"Oh, you can have fruits and vegetables too? I didn't know that," he says, "Though I guess it's not often… Okay, so how the fuck do I know if you've eaten or not?" he pointlessly asks the wolf, who only lets out a gruff noise and brushes its head on his arm— which makes him stiffen a little but that soon goes away, an uncomfortable wolf isn't exactly what he wants right now.

He brings one of his hands forward to caress the silky fur again, pretty blue eyes closing at the action. "I need to get home, I'm so tired," he mutters to himself as he feels the back ache worsen. "But how do I send you off? Or... do you want to come inside with us?"

At that, the wolf suddenly looks more energetic, tail up and wagging back and forth, seemingly grinning as its ears turn forward. Jungkook smiles, "I'm assuming you want to come inside then?"

The wolf does a short bark-huff noise before hopping around and licking his face, and Marble suddenly peeks out from Jungkook's chest and taps its face a few times with her paw, all of this making the blue-haired man giggle and say, "Alright, alright. We'll go inside, give me a second," he says before taking out his phone again to spam text Jimin like usual.


If I die tonight, dont call the police okay, I brought it upon myself

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