Chapter-11: Good (Sunday) Morning!

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Staring at the ceiling and relishing in the warmth of his bed when it's pleasantly cold outside with Marble's fluffy tail rhythmically dusting his face may not be his most favourite thing to do, but it's certainly something he does quite a lot. He deems today to be fit for it too.

Shifting his gaze to stare at Ivy, he visualises how good his room would look half covered by her and Barty the Great, pleasant greens everywhere. Would be lovely. Ivy also would love some company to grow with, he'd imagine. Though he'd have to give his calico a lot more attention compared to now because he doesn't want her to accidentally eat the leaves and potentially get sick. He has to be careful if he wants to keep greens and Marble alive and happy together, indeed he has to.

Before he gets too lost in his thoughts about Barty and Ivy, he's snapped back into reality when his phone goes off with a 'ding!' on the side table. Almost instinctively, he shuffles carefully and gently pulls Marble closer to him to give her a kiss and a cheek rub before reaching for it.

'Taehyung🍯: Hey, Jungkook! I was wondering if you were free today?' is what appears in his lockscreen.

Jungkook sits properly as soon as he sees Taehyung's name on screen. A small yet bright smile invades his lips as he quickly unlocks his phone and opens Taehyung's chat.

'Hey, Taehyung!

He checks the time; 8:46am. Okay, still morning.

Good morning! :>

He checks the day even though Jimin came yesterday so it should be Sunday today, but he rarely trusts himself with dates and timings. But maybe he should start trusting himself more often because yes, it is indeed a Sunday.

And yes, I am free today, why do you ask?

Good morning to you too, boba :]

And that's great! I was gonna ask if you'd like to

hang out somewhere today

I haven't really gone outside in a while except for work,

and I'm bored and thought why not ask you to come with

No problem if you don't feel like it though!

I'd love to hang out with you today :D

Where and what time?

In about 2hrs from now at black pearl rose?

Give or take half an hour, I just have to finish up

some work and small chores

That sound good?


I'll also finish up a few things in that time :>

Alright <3

Though he was planning to be busy all day by laying in bed and doing nothing for half the day and then maybe doing something like painting or recording songs, he figures going out and meeting someone, something which is considered conventionally good, might be a better way of being busy. And he would be lying to himself if he says he isn't excited to meet Taehyung in the least, because in reality, he is thrilled about meeting someone like this who isn't Jimin and Namjoon. He really needs to expand his close friend circle, but he's picky. Very picky. And in some way, he thinks, that is the safest thing to do. He's going to be very careful about who's going to enter that very protective circle, and Taehyung isn't an exception even though he's got Jungkook thinking about his fashion sense, aesthetics and those stunning blue eyes and face hand-sculpted by the gods more often than plants.

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