Chapter-4: A Simp for Fur Beans

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"So essentially, you brought this pretty black wolf of yours inside home 'cause it looked happy when you mentioned the topic," Jimin starts before sipping on his Brown Sugar Pearl Matcha Latte, and then continues, "And it behaved all cute, offering you food and all. Licked your face multiple times and loved it when you petted it, and it slept beside you and Marble when you fell asleep without washing up."

"That about sums it up, yes," Jungkook says, "I still can't get over how pretty its eyes are and how good its fur feels, bro."

The blue-haired barista is currently on his break, and as per usual he noticed it was indeed his break time when Jimin casually entered ordering his drink. He never misses a day unless he is sick; and though Jungkook may lose track of time quite often, Jimin almost never does, and he will make sure his younger best friend gets his twenty minutes of rest amidst all the sweet caffeine making.

Jungkook did not forget to pack a small lunch for himself today morning after feeding his calico, and Jimin did not forget to express his pride in that fact. He also mentioned how by the time he needed to get ready, he saw the wolf out too to the pink-head; how it seemed to be in a rush to go back to where it came from about an hour after its waking.

"Do you have any idea where this wolf comes from?"

"Not at all, it just started appearing out of nowhere," the barista sips his Caramel Mocha and takes a bite out of his egg and mayo sandwich. "Also, chim, sorry I didn't reply to your texts. I just saw them this morning on my way here."

"It's alright, no worries. At least I know you're alive and not dead," he half jokes. "Speaking of texts, how are you worried about pronouns when there's literally a fucking wolf who's suddenly very attached to you in your house?"

"I mean, doesn't it feel weird to call it 'it' all the time? It feels like I'm talking about a thing, and this wolf isn't exactly a thing, so. Plus, who knows how wolf genders work, maybe this one's a they."

"Kookie, darling, we're talking about wolves here."

"Homosexual, transgender and non-binary animals exist. Your point?"

"Okay fair," he says and leans back on his seat, running his fingers back through his curtain bangs, "I dunno Kooks, if you're so adamant on being respectful to a wolf then I guess you'll have to use either  'he/they' or 'she/they', depending on what the sex of the wolf is for now. It would've been easier if it could talk, but that ain't an option, so."

"That's fair. I guess I'll do that for now. Maybe ask the floof bean and use the pronouns they look the most happy with," Jungkook says, half of the sandwich in his hand now in his stomach.

Jimin amusedly snickers, "'Floof bean,' he says, referring to a wild wolf he met yesterday at three in the fucking morning."

"Heeey!" he playfully whines, "You'll know why I call them that when you touch the fur, I swear to god it's so fucking fluffy, I love it. Plus, I will never shut up about how beautiful their eyes are, they straight up look like an aesthetic wolf picture from pinterest come to life."

"Now you're just simping over this wolf," Jimin says through a laugh, making the barista let out a giggle of his own.

"Well that'd make me a simp for Marble too, wouldn't it?"

"Does she still slap you?"

"Of course."

"And you giggle and squeeze her most times?"

"Of course."

"Congratulations, you're a simp for your cat too," he jokes.

They continue like this for another ten minutes till Jimin has to go home and Jungkook back to work, and hugging the other goodbye they part their ways and the blue-haired man is back to being the charming barista that everyone seems to enjoy talking to while getting their drinks.
At one point, three college students come up to him and ask if they could take a picture with him after they order their boba teas to go, and needless to say the barista is absolutely flattered as he flushes red. He doesn't think he will ever get used to this type of attention.
"Let me give you lads your drinks first, then we'll take one. How's that sound?" is what he responds with to the three, making them excitedly nod.

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