Chapter-8: The Passing of Time and (Probably) a Passing Infatuation

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The concept of this phenomenon called 'time' has always been a perplexing, mind boggling thingamabob that evokes peak confusion and the questioning of his entire existence for Jungkook.

And right now— where Jimin is stood in front of the blue-haired barista who has another customer's order of Strawberry Milk Boba Tea in hand; both men frozen in their places, staring at the other with neutral expressions plastered on their faces— is an example.

"It's break time already?" he incredulously questions, eyes going round and head extending forward with a tilt in disbelief, somewhat looking like one of those people with what they call the 'text neck'.

"I mean, I'm here, aren't I?" Jimin nonchalantly says, looking rather amused at this point. He must be thinking about how ridiculous the barista looks right now— or so the blue-head assumes.

Right at that moment, they hear a gruff sound of someone clearing their throat; too loud and too fake-sounding to be a casual throat-clear. The two best friends divert their attention to the short lady dressed in all black stood next to them, waiting for her Strawberry Milk Boba Tea with crossed arms.

"Right, sorry. Here's your drink, miss," the barista awkwardly chuckles, smiling brightly at her as he hands her the drink, "Thank you for coming! Enjoy your drink!"

"It's alright, thank you. And have a nice break," she chuckles deeply, adjusting the black cap on her head before heading towards the cashier.

Jungkook silently groans at how awkward that interaction was, thinking about how stupid he must have looked for not even knowing the timings of his own schedule. The embarrassment never leaves his mind as he cringes and makes Jimin's and his own drinks, thinking about it over and over again even as they pay for the drinks and take it with them.

Running his fingers through his hair— a quirky habit he picked up from his best friend— he walks beside the pink-head to their usual corner seat and removes his apron, draping it over his forearm before exasperatedly saying, "I swear to god, I came here like, twenty minutes ago."

"Where's your mind at this time? It's five minutes past half one, mate," Jimin says before sipping on his green drink.

"If you ask me that I can give you about thirty different answers and none at the same time because brain's everywhere but here at the moment," he snickers, mimicking the pink-head's actions and sipping on his own drink before scrunching his face, "Holy fuck, did I put two spoons of sugar in this?"

"Yep, you did it before I could even say anything."

"Ugh, my mouth's gonna go all bleugh from all the sweetness," he cringes, bunching up his shoulders till his ears and fisting his free hand with the thumb tucked in, violently shaking it. As soon as he does it, he abruptly stops; looking around self-consciously.

"It's just me here. Everyone else is too busy with their own shit," Jimin assures, hanging his arm around the relatively taller man's shoulders with just a little difficulty before changing the topic, "Anyways, I saw those pics you sent. They seem to be getting along well, hm?"

"So well, I'm still surprised. What's even funnier is how Floofy was more careful with his surroundings than Marbs, there's no way he isn't trained."

"I suppose so," he takes another sip out of his drink, chewing on a boba pearl as he questions, "Also, 'he'?"

"He looked happier with he/him when I asked, so I was like, why not?" Jungkook replies, sitting on the opposite side of the table from Jimin.

The pink-haired editor chuckles with a fond shake of the head, "You're a different breed of human."

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