Chapter-5: Good Days Are Often Scary

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Jungkook giggles, head tilted up and neck exposed as the wolf licks him multiple times to say goodbye, "Alright, Alright– You're adorable. I think you should go now, floofy. I have to leave soon too, haven't even showered yet."

The wolf only gruffly 'ruff's and licks his chin two more times before it turns around to leave, running away into the park and looking back at him one last time as it reaches the autumn woods, followed by a short bark-howl.
At the back of his mind, the blue-head is worried whether anyone will see or hear the wolf and harm it in fear of it attacking them, but he doesn't linger on that thought for long as he waves at the retreating figure of the blue eyed beauty with a warm smile on his face—a stark contrast to the cold, early morning.

Not long after, he goes back into the building and runs up the stairs, rushing inside his flat once he opens the door to check the time. When he sees it flashing 6:38am; September 3, he relaxes and calmly goes into the kitchen to make lunch for today—scrambled eggs and fried sliced sausages with sticky brown rice (that he cooked overnight in the rice cooker because he doesn't want to make life harder than it already is); and when packing it in his cute pastel purple lunch box, he adds in a few cherry tomatoes cut in half along with it. It looks pretty and he likes the taste, so he doesn't see a reason why he shouldn't add them.

Soon he is in the shower, singing along to Harry Styles' 'Watermelon Sugar' as he scrubs his body with the berry-scented loofah.

Poor Marble, he thinks, he must be disturbing her sleep. Not that he regrets it because that is what she gets for plopping down on his face in the middle of the night, making him unable to breathe after a little while— which is how he woke up today. He couldn't sleep afterwards so he just sort of dozed off while hugging the calico close to himself.

While in the shower, he remembers how he forgot to pick out an outfit earlier; so he mentally searches for one, never stopping the vocal concert. He lands on a pair of black jeans, beige turtleneck and his favourite olive green parka coat— it is getting colder day by day after all. Which reminds him of the laundry he has to do. He will do that once he is back from work, he thinks. The basket is near full and the wardrobe is near empty, so he has to do it soon.

Thinking about laundry and the smell of his favourite fabric softener, he walks out the shower after drying himself with the towel and searches for the clothes, and thankfully it is in the near-empty wardrobe instead of the near-full laundry basket.

Breakfast cereal, doing his usual everyday look while shifting weight from one leg to the other, a random, full body wiggle-twitch, a high pitched 'prrp!', feeding the calico, setting up her lunch and packing his sling back with lunchbox and other essentials are what follows after getting dressed. 

He checks the time and takes a deep breath before hugging and kissing his cat on the forehead— earning the usual paw tap on his cheek— and then hurries off to catch his eight AM bus.

Everything goes as per usual, everything is normal. He reaches work forty five minutes earlier, chats with Rosie like always. The rest of the staff come and he takes his coat off and replaces it with the signature black apron with the café's name embroidered in gold.
   And soon, Black Pearl Rose is open and bustling with regulars and those not; the calming aroma of sweet caffeine and pastries filling his nose, the gentle clinking of ceramic utensils and silverware along with soft jazz instrumentals filling his ears and the warm yellow lights shining on brown walls and floors, green leaves and warmly dressed people falling easy on his eyes.
   His senses are absolutely pleased as he works with a charming smile on his face.

By the time Jimin is with him and both are sipping on their drinks and having lunch, he has had more than seven or eight people recognise him; and he is currently telling his older best friend about it after a little conversation about Marble and her painful antics on his hands (The pink-head was worried it would get infected, but Jungkook assured him it's alright.)

• Honey Boba •जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें