
970 17 15

(This chapter is based on the real game, blah blah blah)

Its a new day, meaning  you have a new night shift with new tasks. You get ready, then drive to the mega pizzaplex. You go in, and see Vannesa. You ask her. "Vannesa?  I haven't seen you in a while, what happened?" You asked raising an eyebrow. "yeah I had a break, so I went to enjoy it at home. but I heard theres this kid snooping in the pizzaplex, we have to get him out." "A kid? Jeez what kind of guts do they have," you said turning on your flashlight. "This kid is ruining my break, lets just try and make this quick." Vannesa says sighing. few minutes past by, you wonder where this kid would be, you thought of checking their rooms just in case, but you wanted to check the daycare first, and inform sun and moon about this kid.


"Gregory," freddy says lowly. "hm?" Gregory hums in respond. "Why are you here? Theres a bunch of night guards, if you get caught you will be in big trouble," Freddy said peeking through the window. "I came here to explore and have fun, not to be scolded by a animatronic," gregory replied rolling his eyes, earning a sigh from the bear.


"Sun? Where are you?" You yell. You find him cleaning up messes that kids made, so you approach him carefully."Hello Y/N! What bring's you here?" "Oh, not much actually. Just here to tell you theres some kid snooping around, could you please inform me if you see him?" "Yeah of  course Y/N. i am aware of that, and will inform Moon too." "Thanks so much Sun, see ya later." Sun didn't respond, just smiled and of course you smiled back.


 You decide to go into Roxy's room, and inform her just like how you informed sun. You informed Monty, And Chica too, and now you're walking to go check on freddy, and inform him too. "Freddy? Can i come in?" Knocking on the door. "Crap! Quick, Freddy make an excuse!" Gregory whispered. "Alright alright! ," Freddy whispered back. "Oh uhm- wait a minute Y/N im uh.. almost done charging!" Freddy responded. "Uh.. okay.?" You waited, and waited. Yet he didnt response. You felt there was something sketchy, so you just went in. "Freddy, i wanna inform yo-" You found that he was with the kid, about to hide him.  "I can explain all of this,  I swear-" Freddy replied nervous. " you sigh. "I just wanna talk with the kid, nothing else. May I?" You said turning your flashlight off. "No no Freddy! I dont trust her!" Gregory whispered. Freddy ignored Gregory, and just smiles. "Yeah sure, go ahead." He says patting gregorys back, pushing him lightly." FrY/N then walks up to Gregory, and ask him, "what are you doing here?"  Gregory didnt response, and just froze. You sigh. " okay Freddy, Keep him safe, im gonna inform the others, that he is found, and sent home." You walk away, outside of Freddy's room and sit down outside. You sigh and whisper, "I hate my fucking job," You close your eyes for a seccond, and throw your head back. You hear a voice saying "Y/N, you okay?" You open your eyes seeing its Roxy, thinking does she want to race again? But no, that wasn't what she was here for. "Right- I wanted to ask if you wanna go hang out some time during shift. You raise your eyebrows, getting up. "Um, yeah sure. Also, could you please inform chica and monty that the kid was found and sent home." You said sighing. "Well okay, i'll go do that right now, cya." "Cya, Roxy." You walk over to Monty's room and knock, "Monty? Can i come in?"  Feeling exhausted. You didnt know what came up to your mind, after meeting that kid, you had a bad feeling, and just felt- exhausted. "No you cant come in," Monty replies. You scoff and go inside his room, yawning. "Feeling tired, hm?"  Monty ask's you. You scoff. "oh yeah monty im sooooo tired" you joke. "Then take a break you dumbass," "No monty, this is my fucking job, I'll get used to it." "If you say so," You sigh, sitting  down in his chair. "Who told you that you can sit in my chair?" You sighed. "Says myself, now shut up." "Oh and the kid was found and sent home," you said spinning around in the chair.  "Dont care, didn't ask." The crocodile responds. "whatever," you said, texting Vannesa that the kid was found and sent home.

<<<<TIME SKIP>>>>

A few hours past by, you kept hearing voices of  Roxy,Chica,And Monty. Its like they sound lie going on a hunt for somebody. You decided to check it out, you heard a noise of crying, so you went through that direction and saw Roxy crying. She was all broken. You thought to yourself letting the kid stay WAS a bad idea. She had no eyes, You approach her carefully, and she yells "WHO'S THERE?!" "Holy shit you're ruined, what happened?" You said, looking closely for any other damaged parts. "I'd..rather not say." Roxy says while sobbing. "shhh, its fine. How about we got parts and service to fix you up? Yeah?" You said, Grabbing Roxy's hand. You go to parts and service fixing her up. "Thank you so much, Y/N." "Its nothing, now go charge, your battery is low." She heads off and charge, while you look for Chica,Freddy, And Monty. you find Chica, having distorted noises. She looks glad you find her, you approach her saying, "Im guessing your voicebox was ruined, or broken? ehh, come I'll get you a new one." You tell Chica to follow you, and she nodded, following you. You fix her and put a new voice box in her, Feeling relieved done fixing two animatronics, you think about who did this to them, although its definitely the kid Freddy had in his room. "Hey, Chica," "Yes, Y/N?" "Who did this to you? Roxy had the same problem but with her eyes, I just wanna know," You said being embarrassed for not keeping an eye on them. "Its the kid. I think he went back to the pizzaplex, and basically destroyed us." "hmm, alright. Thanks Chica, also is your voice box better now?" "Yeah, but im gonna check on Roxy, so see you later! And, thanks for fixing  me." Chica says with a smile, you smile back and try to find Monty. You find Monty, Crawling to you. "holy shit your crippled," "shut up and please just fix me." "Alright alright, jeez," you said scoffing.

<<<<TIME SKIP>>>>

You fixed him, and got him a pair of legs. "Finally, thanks a lot."  "It was nothing, now go charge, your on the brink of death," you said jokingly. He exits parts and service through the elevators, and is now gone. You went outside to go to Freddy's room, trying to find the kid again. You also wanted to check if  Freddy was broken too, just in case. "Hey freddy, sorry to bother, but may I speak with that kid again?"You ask Freddy. "Yes of course! Come on, Gregory talk to her." "Ah, your names Gregory?" You said putting your flashlight back into your pocket. "Y-yeah." "Okay, um. Gregory, You have to go home now, its 6AM. I'll drove you home." You said stretching. "huh, okay." Gregory says embarrassed on what he did. You reach your hand to hold gregorys hand, which he nervously  Accepts. "Im gonna go now, bye Freddy." "Bye!" Freddy said waving. You head into your car, and drove the kid home. When you got home, you went to sleep immediately not caring a single bit about even changing to your pajamas.

(anyways I will probably barely update this shit but um, tell me if you want new chapters cause I wont be making a lot unless you guys want more 🤷‍♀️)

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