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Omg, im so sorry for not updating!! I have a lot of school work and more, so im sorry for not updating!! :(( anyways, im back to update! Again, not a so long chapter cause i have some class work that needs to be done, but hey! Its alright, i'll update again soon! :)) (oh yeah, this is a random chapter since i dont have much ideas D:)

Okay..now enjoy this long awaited chapter!! ;D


You were at home, pretty much bored. You were to tired to visit the pizzaplex, even if there was Monty. You didnt know, you just felt..exhausted. "Urghh, im so bored! But im too tired to visit the pizzaplex.." a few minutes later, you were still in bed, doing nothing but stare at the ceiling. "Im just gonna cook a small lunch, im a bit hungry." You get out of bed, feeling dizzy."fuck, did i eat to much pizza.?" It doesn't matter, you hold onto the wall while going downstairs, feeling very dizzy. You fell from being to dizzy, then became unconscious.

<<<<TIME SKIP>>>

You woke up, still at the cold floor. You sat down, and took your phone. It was 8PM. "Well shit, I passed out for hours." You got up, and went to the fridge to cook some eggs. There wasn't anything in your mind other then eggs, but you didnt care. Once you were done cooking and eating, you went to the couch. Sat down, feeling way more sick. You decided to just go to the pizzaplex due to boredom. You drive over to the pizzaplex, and finnaly arrived. You parked your car, and went inside. You could see Monty in his room, practicing. You held onto the wall, feeling way more dizzy then when you were at home. Monty then puts his guitar down, and sees you. He waves at you happily, but that soon turned into a frown. He rushed put of his room to check up on you. "Hey-hey- are you okay?" He asks you being worried. You fell onto him, and faints. 

<<<<MONTY POV>>>>

"Fuck, is Y/N okay? Maybe she is sick, no. Maybe not..or..is she? Ugh, whatever. I'll just ask Vannesa for help later, i need to get (Y/N) in my room quickly."

<<<<END OF POV>>>>

You wake up, in Monty's room. You still felt sick,dizzy, and a lot more. Vannesa was there sitting in a chair, she told you that she was gonna take care of you. You didnt mind to be honest, you just felt sick and wanted to feel better. "So, how did you get..sick?" "I dont even know, thats why i came here. Due to boredom, and- im sick and nobody can take care of me." "Oh yeah, wheres Monty at?" "Playing golf as usual, he said he's gonna play golf so he can calm himself down since  ur sick." Suddenly, you had the urge to vomit. You quickly got up, and Vomited on the toilet. You held onto the wall, feeling unconscious again. You flushed the toilet, and just before you knew it, you fainted. Good thing Vannesa hold you just in time, otherwise you would get hurt.


oh mu god, again, sorry for the short chapter. There will be a part 2 soon, but it wont come out tomorrow or something.. its about to be 1AM and i still have classwork, so..yeah..i'll see y'all next chapter!! haha..

-bye im gonna do classwork 

A new start. (Monty X Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя