" Finding out this 'thing' "

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(!!WARNING!! May contain "fruity" stuff, please be aware. If you do not like those type of stuff, you may skip this chapter or read, since i putted a warning where the "fruity" part starts. :D)

<<<<TIME SKIP>>>>

You found out what this.. "Thing" was. It was basically Monty constantly trying to hold his anger issues again. He seems to ignore you quite often now, but you completely understand his anger. Still, your confused. What does this mean? What did this "secret" mean?

 Why is his anger issues coming back? You keep questioning yourself. "Welp i guees its something i need to find out." You whisper to yourself. You saw Monty going to his room, and you decided to spy on him through the windows. He sits on his couch, thinking.

<<<<MONTY POV>>>>

"I cant hold my anger issues anymore, but still. Y/N helped me clean this room, i dont wanna cause her trouble." I sigh. "I actually cant believe im ignoring Y/N because of my anger issues, and i keep blushing when im around them." (Im so sorry if this isn't your Pronounce, im not sure what to use so im just gonna use them.) i sigh, looking through the window. I see Y/N, hiding after i see her. She then gives up, and reveals her self. Then gives a small wave at me, i cant help but blush uncontrollably. I put my hand around my face, feeling really panicked. "What the fuck do i do." I whisper to myself. 

<<<<Y/N POV>>>>

I gave up and just gave him a small wave. I felt embarrassed, until i saw him blush uncontrollably. I was confused, and just froze there. "I should talk to him." I thought to myself. Slowly walking to his room, entering. "He-." He didnt expect me to come into his room, so he was shocked. I can tell he was blushing uncontrollably, making me giggle. I slowly walk up to him, giving him a hug from the back. "H-Hey!!" He yelled. I roll my eyes while giggling. "You forgot were dating, hm?" I ask Monty with a smile. "R-right." He responds while being flustered. I let go, and ask him. "Whats going on? You seem to ignore me, I completely understan-." He cuts you off with a kiss. You were shocked, he then continues to kiss you, and you enjoy it. Monty then realized what he's doing and stopped. "Oh my- I-i am so sorry! I d-dint mea-." You kiss him back with pleasure.

(!!WARNING!! Like i said, "Fruity" parts will come in some parts, so im gonna put warnings like this, oh and this is the part where the "Fruity" parts come in.)

Monty doesn't seem to care anymore, he just pushes you off to his couch. Making you lay there. He ripped of your shirt and pants, leaving only your bra, and panties. He takes your bra off, same with your panties. "Well he's feeling horny." You whisper to yourself. "What was that?" Monty asks you. "A-ah! Nothing, nothing." He then takes of his clothes off, leaving the both of you naked. He then gives you a pillow, and you put your face into it. He got his tip to your pussy, you can guees he cant hold it anymore. "Let me know of it hurts, okay love?" "Y-yes, Monty." He chuckles. He then puts his whole dick inside your pussy, and you let out a moan. "Im gonna let you adjust first, alright?" "Y-yes sir."  1 minute passes by "Ready?" You just nod feeling nervous. He begins to thrust into you, making you moan. "Oh D-daddy faster!" You yell. He smirks and goes faster, making you moan more. You tighten up, then he whispers something in your ear. "You're doing great, Rockstar." You shiver, making him chuckle. A few minutes pass by, and he finnaly hits you on the right spot. "A-AH! IM C-CUMMING!" You feel relieved after cumming, then you realize. It was on his dick. He pulls his dick out of your pussy, He stares at you who had just cum. He chuckles, giving you spare clothes. You then put it on, hoping the others wont find out. "Thanks sweetheart, but i gotta go charge now." "O-okay." You grabbed your water bottle, and slowly swallowed the water. Thinking about what happened. "What the fuck happened.." you thought. You felt exhausted, you were still sweating, and still had cum on your legs. You walked over to the bathroom, cleaning yourself up.

<<<<TIME SKIP>>>>

You and the others were just talking, Monty was at his room charging, you wonder whats taking him so long. Vannesa was also joining along, so you were glad that you and the others can hang out, again. "So, Y/N.." "Hm?" "Why did i hear 'moaning' in Montys room?" Roxy asks you. She always teased you, it makes you embarrassed. You froze, and blush. You were as hot as a tomato, and didnt know what to say. "I-i- u-uh.." You put your hand over your face, feeling embarrassed. They all chuckle, looking at each other. "You and 'Monty' should get married." Roxy says with a smirk. "WHAT?!" You look up at her. "Yeah, i'll set up the wedding. Cmon, Lets go guys!" Roxy yells, telling the others to go. "HEY WAIT UP-!" You tried chasing them, but they all disappeared. You sigh. "Well Fuck." 


Requested from: My friends, Lmao.

I dunno why, but my friends are so desperate for a fruity part for some reason?? Its akward. But hey, for you reading this, i hope your happy with the fruity part cause i dont know how to make 'Proper' fruit or..Sex, parts. I might make more fruity parts, so.. yeah ok bye now this feels akward😔

-Bye have a great time👋

-1598 words

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