Chapter 2: hang out

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1 year later...

It was a Smurfy morning in Smurf Village, the Smurfs were coming out of their mushrooms.

Handy: morning.
Gutsy: good morning.
Lily: morning.

Hefty and Smurfette woke up and stretch their arms, they looked at each other with a smile.

Hefty: good morning, hon.
Smurfette: good morning, bebe.

They shared a kiss and got off of bed and had breakfast.

Smurfette: this is good, Heft.
Hefty: thanks, hon.

After they were done, they put their clothes on and, went out of their mushroom and looked around, some Smurfs were helping each other.

Smurfette: all of them, have been helping.
Hefty: yeah.

They saw some Smurfs were using Zip lines and slingshots to get to their places, then the Smurflings came to them with a smile.

Sassette: hey, Smurfette.
Smurfette: hey.
Nat: what are you guys doing?
Hefty: we are gonna hang out with our friends.
Snappy: well, that sounds Smurfy!
Smurfette: see you later.
Smurflings: bye!

The Smurflings left to do something, Hefty and Smurfette looked at each other.

Hefty: come on, we sound go.
Smurfette: okay.

They went to their friend SmurfTatiana's house to hang out, their other friends were coming over too, they went inside and saw her writing papers then SmurfTatiana saw them and give them a hug.

Tatiana: hey, guys.
Smurfette: hey, girl.
Hefty: hey, there.

Then they let go then they heard a knock on the door, SmurfTatiana opened the door and saw her other friends, Brainy, Clumsy, SmurfBlossom, SmurfStorm, SmurfLily and Gutsy Smurf.

Tatiana: hi guys.
All: hey, Tatiana.
Tatiana: come in.

She let them in her hut then she heard her brothers voice.

Nate: look out, sister.
Tatiana: Nate?

She looked behind her, she saw Nate Smurf coming from a Zip line and landed next to her.

Tatiana: you must be liking the zip lines.
Nate: of course, I do.

Then he went inside the house, SmurfTatiana closed the door behind her and everyone sat down next to each other and listened to SmurfTatiana.

Tatiana: so, Brainy and Stormy, how is the security doing?
Storm: it's under control.
Tatiana: it's good to hear that.

Then SmurfTatiana looked through then she remember about Brainy and SmurfBlossom's wedding.

Tatiana: and everyone, remember tonight is Brainy and Blossom's wedding.
Clumsy: oh, yeah.
Blossom: me and Brainy already had everything ready.

Everyone started clapping and cheer to them.

Tatiana: that's good.
Gutsy: yeah.
Smurfette: can't wait.

Then SmurfBlossom kissed Brainy, he kissed back, they pull away, SmurfTatiana started talking again.

Tatiana: okay so, everything has been good, since Gargamel and the things.
Hefty: yup.
Tatiana: okay, so...

A past hour, the team Smurfs were done talking about the changes in the village, then some of the Smurfs were leaving.

Storm: me and my husband should get going.
Clumsy: yeah.
Lily: me too, I need to get to Handy.
Brainy: and we have to get ready.
Blossom: yup.
Tatiana: well, we will see you tonight.

They all said bye and left, Smurfette, Hefty, Gutsy Smurf and Nate were still with SmurfTatiana in her hut, they sat down on the couch and had cookies that were on the table next to them.

Tatiana: have some cookies if you like.
Smurfette: thanks.
Hefty: yeah.

Then Smurfette was looking at where Tatiana was at before they came in.

Smurfette: what's with the papers?
Nate: she's been doing a lot.
Tatiana: yeah, it's all done for now.

They sent the whole day together, talking, SmurfTatiana have been showing pictures of her and Nate, then they had lunch, then Nate Smurf had to go.

Nate: I need to go.
Tatiana: okay, bye.

Then Nate Smurf left, at sunset Smurfette and Hefty were leaving to their house, they looked at their friends.

Tatiana: see you guys, latter, better be excited about tonight.
Smurfette: sure!

They left the house and went to their home, Smurfette was thinking about what SmurfTatiana said, leaving SmurfTatiana and Gutsy in there, SmurfTatiana went to the kitchen and grabbed carrots and put them in a bag, Gutsy Smurf was seeing what she is doing.

Gutsy: what are you doing?
Tatiana: I'm gonna go see the animals.
Gutsy: I'll go with you.
Tatiana: okay.

SmurfTatiana had everything, she and Gutsy went to the forest, soon they were with the animals, SmurfTatiana was feeding the animals and Gutsy Smurf was sitting down watching.

Tatiana: 🎶 Squirrels in the trees
And the cute little bunnies
Birds flying free
And bees with their honey 🎶.

SmurfTatiana vocalizing the song as more animal came to her, Gutsy Smurf was seeing all this, the birds putted a flower crown on her.

Gutsy: you're good with singing.
Tatiana: yeah, it's what I love.
Gutsy: how are the animals like your song?
Tatiana: because they love singing, I sing to the animals.

SmurfTatiana was laying on the grass, then Bucky went behind her and layed down, SmurfTatiana's dragonfly Sparkle Fire came to her.

Tatiana: hey, girl, I didn't think I see you again.

She petted her dragonfly as it purrs, Sparkle Fire laying next her, Gutsy Smurf went to her layed down, SmurfTatiana looked at the sky and sing.

Tatiana: 🎶 When raindrops fell down from the sky
The day you left me, an angel cried
Oh, she cried, an angel cried
She cried 🎶

Then she was done, Gutsy Smurf was surprised of the song she singed, he went closer and looked at her.

Gutsy: um, hey Tatiana.
Tatiana: yes?
Gusty: I um, you have a sweet voice.

Then SmurfTatiana started to blush, then soon they went back to the village for the wedding.

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