Chapter 11: The baby

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4 days later...

Four days past for Smurfette's pregnancy with the baby, Hefty and Smurfette were excited that it will come, right now Smurfette was on a rocking chair rubbing her stomach, Hefty came with food to feed her.

Hefty: hey, honey.
Smurfette: hey.

They shared a kiss on each other's cheeks, Hefty holded a fork of Smurfberry cake close to her and she ate it.

Smurfette: thanks.
Hefty: just wanted to help.

After she was done Hefty putted the plate in the sink, he went to his wife and put his hand on her stomach feeling the baby's kicks.

Hefty: can't wait to see you, little one, we love you.

Hefty kissed her stomach making her giggle and looked at her, they were about to share a kiss, then they heard a knock, Hefty stand up.

Hefty: I'll get it.
Smurfette: thanks.

Hefty opened the door and saw his friends, Handy, SmurfBlossom, Brainy, Clumsy, SmurfStorm and SmurfTatiana, they had gifts with them.

All: hi, Hefty!!
Hefty: hey, come in.

They all went inside to see Smurfette, she saw her friends here.

Smurfette: hey, everyone.
All: hi, Smurfette!!

Then SmurfBlossom went fast to Smurfette and give her a hug.

Blossom: I'm so happy for this day!
Smurfette: I know Blossom, thanks.
Storm: we also got gifts.

Their friends give them the gifts, Smurfette started to open them, she opened SmurfTatiana's gift, it was a pony plush.

Smurfette: thank you so much!
Tatiana: your welcome.
Blossom: it's great.

Then Smurfette opened SmurfStorm's and looked at her with the gifts.

Smurfette: stormy, aren't your baby gonna need this rattle?
Storm: Hefty didn't tell you, I'm having twins.
Clumsy: we didn't want the babies to fight over it.
Blossom: sounds good.

Smurfette opened a present and in it was a flower from SmurfBlossom.

Smurfette: wow thanks Blossom.
Blossom: your welcome, I found it in a feild.
Tatiana: it's great to put it on their daughter.
Smurfette: thank you everyone, and our baby will be happy to see my friends in the whole wide world !!

Then they all went to Smurfette and give her a hug, same with her husband, then she felt a pain and everyone backed up, Hefty looked at her.

Hefty: honey, are you okay?
Smurfette: the baby is coming!
Storm: right now!!??
Tatiana: quick Hefty, we need to get her to the hospital.
Hefty: on it!!

Hefty carried Smurfette and ran fast to the hospital, their friends went with them.

Tatiana: guys get to the hospital, I had to get Mother Nature.
All: okay!!!

Then SmurfTatiana went to get Mother Nature, Hefty was at the hospital still carrying Smurfette.

Hefty: someone help, the baby is coming!
Doctor: put her on the stretcher bed!
Hefty: okay.

Hefty putted Smurfette there as she was breathing in and out hard, Mother Nature was here with SmurfTatiana.

Doctor: Mother Nature, thank Smurfness you came.
Mother Nature: I have to help to do this.
Hefty: hey, the baby.
Doctor: Lily and Tatiana help us with Smurfette.
Both: okay.

They were getting to a room to do it, their friends and the leaders were at the waiting room.

Blossom: I can't believe it, Smurfette is having her baby coming!
Willow: don't worry, it will be okay.

Then they heard Smurfette screaming in the other room and got scared.

Blossom: what are they doing to her!?
Storm: if that hurts for one, I can't imagine what's it's gonna be for me.
Willow: don't worried, I'm sure she's fine.

Then the doctor and Mother Nature came out with a smile, the team Smurfs and leader went to them.

Blossom: is she okay?
Storm: we want to know.
Doctor: don't worry, Smurfs.
Mother Nature: Smurfette and the baby is fine.
All: yay!!

In the other room, the nurse give the baby girl to Hefty and Smurfette, they saw their baby.

Smurfette: she's perfect.
Hefty: she has your hair.
Smurfette: hon, she's opening her eyes.

They looked at her and saw her eyes, she has her mom's eyes, they were happy and shared a kiss and looked at her.

Hefty: let's name her SmurfHeart.
Smurfette: really, why?
Hefty: she's like you and got it from my tattoo.
Smurfette: sure, I love it.

The Smurfs and the leaders were walking to the room, they went in and saw Hefty and Smurfette's baby in her arms, they went closer and saw her.

All: awww!
Blossom: she's so cute.
Smurfette: thanks.
Storm: so, what did you name her?

Hefty and Smurfette look at each other and smiled.

Smurfette: her name is SmurfHeart.
Blossom: that's cute, she will be good friends with our children's.
Storm: I'm sure they will be friends, like us.

The baby was sleeping, Smurfette put her hand down to them.

Smurfette: Team Smurfs forever?

They looked at each other and put their hands on her and put them up.

All: Team Smurfs forever!!!

Smurfette layed down resting as Hefty was by her and kissed her on the forehead, the doctor came in and went to Hefty.

Doctor: Mr. Hefty, there's something that we Smurf from your daughter.
Hefty: what is it?
Doctor: your daughter has magical powers.

Then they surprised of what the doctor said about his and Smurfette's daughter then looked at each other.

Blossom: a baby with magic powers?
Storm: It's cool.
Hefty: we'll take care of it.
Clumsy: hope so.

After they talk, the doctor came in and told them they can go home.

Storm: we better get home, Smurfette needs rest.
Hefty: yeah, you're right.
Smurfette: yeah.

Then the Team Smurfs and the baby went out of the hospital and went home from the day they did.

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