Chapter 9: Heftette Days

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3 mouths later...

Three more months past for Hefty and Smurfette, it was starting to show, Smurfette's stomach was big as a ball, Hefty has to help her, right now Hefty and Smurfette were getting dressed to go for a picnic together.

Hefty: honey, are you done yet?
Smurfette: I'm almost.
Hefty: okay, I'll wait.

Then he was sitting down waiting for her to get dressed, then he saw Smurfette out in a red dress.

Smurfette: I'm done.
Hefty: you look beautiful.
Smurfette: thanks hon.

They shared a kiss together, then they pull away, and smiled at each other.

Hefty: let's go.
Smurfette: okay.

Then they went out of their mushroom and walked to their picnic, they walked in the forest and saw the stuff and animals there.

Hefty: yeah, they saw this and want to join us.
Smurfette: it's fine, I'm good with it.

Then they went where they were gonna be with the animals and enjoyed.

Smurfette: this is good, hon.
Hefty: thanks, you know how I am.
Smurfette: yeah.

Then soon they finish their meal they had for each other, Bucky went to Smurfette and layed next to her, Smurfette petted him and looked at him.

Smurfette: good boy, Bucky.
Hefty: yeah.

Smurfette put her hand off of Bucky layed her head on Hefty's shoulder smiling, Hefty put his hand on her shoulder and pulled her closer.

Hefty: I'm happy for you.
Smurfette: thanks, and same with you.

They shared a kiss and the animals were around them, at midnight they were leaving.

Smurfette: bye, animals.
Hefty: yeah, bye.

The animals wave their paws at them and went back to the forest, Hefty and Smurfette went back to the village and to their house.

4 mouths later...

Four months past, Smurfette was on her ninth mouth of her pregnancy, the baby was gonna come at any day by now, Hefty was lifting up a dumbbell, then he saw Smurfette on her bed looking at her belly, Hefty put down the dumbbell and went to her.

Hefty: hey, excited?
Smurfette: yeah, the baby will come, I just can't wait to see her.
Hefty: yeah, me too.

Then he put his hand on her belly, feeling the kick and had a smile on his face then they heard a knock.

Hefty: I'll get it, I'll ask you something later.
Smurfette: okay.

Hefty went to the door and opened it, and see SmurfTatiana at the door and let her in.

Hefty: hey, girl.
Tatiana: nice to see you too, I wanted to hang out with you two.
Hefty: okay, follow me.

Then they went to his room and opened the door, they walked in and went to Smurfette.

Tatiana: hey, Smurfette.
Smurfette: hey, bestie.

SmurfTatiana helped Smurfette sit down and sit down, Hefty did the same thing and they talked.

Tatiana: so Smurfette, how are you doing and the baby?
Smurfette: It's doing fine, taking care of it.

Hefty went next to Smurfette and put her on his lap.

Smurfette: what about you?
Tatiana: good, I tried to get sleep over the days.
Smurfette: that's good.
Hefty: I get us a drink.
Tatiana: sounds good.

Hefty kissed Smurfette and went to the kitchen, Smurfette and SmurfTatiana talked to each other.

Tatiana: do you know if your having a boy or girl?
Smurfette: Brainy looked all over and said we're having a girl.
Tatiana: yay.

Then Hefty came with drinks for them, they grabbed their glass and clinked and drink and talk.

Hefty: yeah, it's a girl, we have to wait for days.
Tatiana: well, they say that it should come in four days.
Smurfette: oh okay.

Then after their drink and talk about the baby coming soon, at sunset SmurfTatiana has to go.

Tatiana: well, nice to see you again.
Smurfette: bye.
Hefty: yeah, see you too.

Then she left to get back to what she was doing and work, Hefty closed the door, Hefty looked at his wife and wanted to give her some of good time.

Hefty: hey, how about I give you a relaxing day, you don't need to do anything.
Smurfette: really, it would be nice of you to do.

Hefty gives her a kiss and hold her hand and carried here to give her a relaxing, Hefty give her a massage and danced with her with music, at noon Hefty was giving Smurfette a bath, he was washing her hair and pur water on her.

Hefty: are you relaxing?
Smurfette: yeah, I am.
Hefty: that's good.

Then Smurfette was done with her bath, she was on the bed laying see the TV, Hefty came up with Smurfberry cider and went on the bed.

Hefty: here.
Smurfette: oh, Hefty your sweet.
Hefty: I know

Smurfette took her glass and they clink their glass together.

Hefty: to great wife.
Smurfette: and great, husband.
Both: cheers.

Then they drink a little bit and put them by the lamp by them. Hefty turned off the TV, they both went to each other and cuddle up with a smile.

Hefty: I love you, Smurfette.
Smurfette: I love you too.

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