Chapter 8: new days

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It passed two months of Smurfette's pregnancy, it was starting to show up a little, Hefty was being with Smurfette around the place, right now they were with SmurfTatiana and Gutsy Smurf in her mushroom.

Smurfette: hey, I'm seeing that your not getting enough sleep.
Tatiana: I know, I been doing stuff.
Hefty: well, you should get a break.
Gutsy: yeah.

SmurfTatiana was walking around trying to find stuff, then she got a headache and fall down to the ground, her friends went to her.

Smurfette: Tatiana, what happened?
Tatiana: my head just hurt.
Hefty: are you going to be okay?
Tatiana: I should be okay.
Gutsy: okay but we are all here for you.

Gutsy Smurf helped SmurfTatiana get up and put her on the couch, Smurfette and Hefty looked at her.

Hefty: hey we need to go, but we'll see you later.
Tatiana: okay.
Smurfette: take care of her.
Gutsy: I will.

Then they walk out of her house, then they walk in the village seeing all the Smurfs doing their thing.

Smurfette: man, it's been days since they had to do stuff.
Hefty: yeah, we all been pretty busy.

Then they got to their house and went inside, Smurfette was sitting on the table, while Hefty was the one making lunch for them, they were having sandwiches and smurfberries.

Smurfette: hey dear.
Hefty: yes?
Smurfette: have you ever think that, we need to have a break too?

Smurfette doesn't know why she talk about them having break too, but Hefty looked to at her.

Hefty: I know but honey, we have a baby that's coming.
Smurfette: I know dear, I'm just asking.
Hefty: looked, we will have a break soon, okay?
Smurfette: okay.

Smurfette and Hefty shared each other a smile, Hefty went to her and give her a hug and a kiss, then Smurfette gasped.

Hefty: what's wrong honey?
Smurfette: I felt a baby's kick.
Hefty: really?
Smurfette: yeah, feel it.

Smurfette grabbed his hand and put it on her stomach, then when Hefty felt the kick, he gasped of the surprise.

Hefty: it's a miracle.
Smurfette: yeah first time feeling the baby's kick.
Hefty: I'm happy for you.
Smurfette: thanks.

Then they finish their food, then they went to Brainy and SmurfBlossom's house, to hang out and tell them about the baby, they knocked on the door and Brainy opened the door and saw them.

Brainy: oh, hey Hefty and Smurfette.
Both: hi.
Blossom: come on in!

They went inside and Brainy closed the door behind him, they sat down together and talked.

Smurfette: what are you guys doing?
Brainy: nothing much.
Blossom: yeah, just hanging out.

They just smiled at each other, then Brainy talked to them.

Brainy: what about you guys?
Hefty: been good, just watching out for Smurfette
Smurfette: yeah, and we felt a kick.

When Smurfette told them the surprise, they were happy from them.

Blossom: really!?
Smurfette: yep.
Brainy: why don't we check the baby.
Both: how?
Blossom: he will show you.

Brainy took Hefty and Smurfette to a room, Brainy had the stuff he's using.

Brainy: Hefty, I'm gonna need you to put Smurfette here.
Hefty: okay.

Hefty carried Smurfette on the couch and she lays down, Brainy grabbed a box with a cord and a screen and he pull a chair up to Smurfette.

Hefty: I'm here, Smurfette.
Brainy: okay, I'm gonna see your stomach.
Smurfette: okay

Hefty helped Smurfette pull up her dress to show her belly, Brainy putted cold gel on her stomach and rub it around her.

Hefty: what's that for?
Brainy: it's for me to go directly the tissue in her stomach and see it.
Hefty: okay.

Brainy grabbed a probe and used it on her belly and moved it around, then Brainy saw it.

Brainy: here we go, here's your baby.
Blossom: oh my Smurf!!

Hefty and Smurfette looked at the screen and saw their baby and smiled.

Smurfette: look Hefty.
Hefty: yeah, our child is there.

Hefty and Smurfette shared a kiss to the surprise and let go, Brainy looked and the screen and looked at them.

Smurfette: Do we know if it's a boy or girl.
Brainy: yes, to say to both of you, your having a girl.
Blossom: yay!!!

Hefty and Smurfette were happy and Hefty lefted Smurfette up and spined around and put her down.

Smurfette: so happy.
Hefty: yeah, we got to go.
Blossom: okay, bye!!
Smurfette: bye, Brainy and Blossom.

Hefty closed the door, Brainy and SmurfBlossom looked at each other and smiled, Hefty and Smurfette were walking in the forest, but Hefty was taking her to a surprise.

Smurfette: where are we going?
Hefty: you'll see.

They continue walking until they were at a place full of flowers and animals, Smurfette was surprised.

Smurfette: wow.
Hefty: I wanted us to have a break, like what you asked.
Smurfette: thanks for this.

Smurfette shared a kiss to Hefty, he kissed back then the animals went up to them, they pull away and smiled.

Hefty: come on, the animals are waiting.
Smurfette: okay.

Smurfette leave out a chuckle, they played with the animals and talking a little bit, soon they were laying down on the grass.

Smurfette: this is nice, Hefty.
Hefty: yeah, it's for us to have together.
Smurfette: yeah.

They shared a kiss and they layed down on the grass with each other and looked at the sunset.

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