Chapter 4: Smurfette's party

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Today was a Smurfy morning in the village, and it is Smurfette's birthday too, the Smurfs were decorate the special party, Papa Smurf and SmurfWillow we're getting stuff ready.

Papa Smurf: come on, we have to finish this.
Lily: on it!
Baker: yup.

Hefty wake up, he turn and saw Smurfette still asleep, he got off and went to the kitchen, Smurfette woke up and yawned, Hefty came up with breakfast for her to have, he put it on a table stand and give her a kiss.

Hefty: good morning, hon.
Smurfette: morning.
Hefty: Papa Smurf asked me to keep you company.
Smurfette: okay.

Smurfette finish her food and they were getting dressed, Smurfette came out and she had two bracelet on both of her arms.

Hefty: hmm, wearing the bracelets I give you?
Smurfette: yeah.

They shared a kiss and went out to have some fun, they went to have Ice cream they picked their favorite and got their ice Smurf cream that they can shared together.

Smurfette: this is good, hon.
Hefty: yeah, we always have our favorites.

Then they just looked at each other with a smile on their face, SmurfTatiana came to them with her ice Smurf cream.

Tatiana: hey, guys!
Both: hey, girl!

They all smile and give each other a hug together and sat down with them having good ice Smurf cream on a special day.

Tatiana: so nice to have ice Smurf cream.
Smurfette: I say the same thing.
Hefty: what kind do you have?
Tatiana: strawberry with chocolate syrup.

Soon SmurfTatiana was done and went to do stuff for the Smurfs and other stuff, after Smurfette and Hefty were done with theirs, they went walking in the forest, all the animals were pasting by, Smurfette was smiling at the animals, Hefty looked at her.

Hefty: you sure are happy.
Smurfette: of curse, I am.
Hefty: come on let's do Smurfboarding.
Smurfette: okay.

They grabbed their boards and went on the hill, they put their boards down and got on them, they look down, they looked at each other and we're ready.

Hefty: you ready?
Smurfette: always.
Hefty: one...two...three!

They slid down the hill and raced, Smurfette was getting in front, Hefty started to go closer to her, and was in front.

Hefty: you can't get me.
Smurfette: we'll see.

Smurfette started to slide fast in front, she slipped up to a tree and bounced on a mushroom, and landed on the ground.

Smurfette: oh, yeah.
Hefty: how about this?

Hefty slipped on the trees and bounced on mushrooms and was in the air, he flipped his board and he landed.

Hefty: well?
Smurfette: it's actually really good.
Hefty: thanks, come on.

Hefty was taking his wife somewhere to have a picnic, Smurfette saw a field full of different flowers, Hefty put his hands on her shoulders.

Hefty: I thought this would be nice.
Smurfette: it is Hefty.
Hefty: come on, let's enjoy this.

They sat down where a blanket and a basket is, Smurfette enjoyed the food that Hefty made for them.

Smurfette: this is nice.
Hefty: thanks.

When they finish their food, they started to play with each other in the field, soon at sunset, Hefty and Smurfette went in a boat at Smurf river, seeing the fireflies around them.

Smurfette: this is beautiful.
Hefty: yeah, just like you.

Then they shared a kiss leaning on each other, they pulled away and looked at the moon.

Hefty: 🎶 High dive into frozen waves where the past comes back to life
Fight fear for the selfish pain, it was worth it every time 🎶

Smurfette: 🎶 Hold still right before we crash 'cause we both know how this ends
A clock ticks 'til it breaks your glass and I drown in you again 🎶

Hefty: 🎶 Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly, still fight and I don't know why 🎶

Smurfette: 🎶 If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity? 🎶

Then they shared a kiss, they pulled away when Hefty got a message from SmurfTatiana on his Smurfphone. Hefty texted back to her, and put his Smurfphone away and he hold her hands and looked at Smurfette.

Hefty: hey, honey.
Smurfette: yeah?
Hefty: we need to go back to the village.
Smurfette: why?

They were by the grass from the river is, Hefty got off the boat and helped Smurfette out too.

Hefty: because Tatiana text me to bring you back for something.
Smurfette: oh, okay.

Hefty and Smurfette started to go back to their village where all the smurfs were waiting for them, Hefty and Smurfette were on the bridge.

Hefty: first, you need to close your eyes.
Smurfette: you sure?
Hefty: you will be with me.

Smurfette closed her eyes and can't see anything, Hefty make sure then he hold her hands, soon they were at her party, he went behind her.

Smurfette: can I see?
Hefty: you can open, now!

Then Smurfette opened her eyes and all the Smurfs pop out and surprised her.

All: Happy Birthday, Smurfette!!
Smurfette: oh my Smurf, thanks!
Hefty: we did this all for you dear.

Smurfette smiled at him and give him a kiss for all this.

Smurfette: thanks, hon.
Blossom: come on, everyone!

As SmurfBlossom came they started the party, Hefty left out a love sigh from the kiss Smurfette give him and joined them for the party.

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