Chapter 17: chased/hit

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Gargamel: you are mine, now!

Gargamel was getting close to Smurfette's family, then he stopped and heard a voice from a Smurf.

Tatiana: stop right there, Gargamel!

Gargamel looked and saw the same Smurf before it was SmurfTatiana, she had her staff and her wings opened, SmurfTatiana jumped to Gargamel and punch his nose and land on the ground.

Smurfette: SmurfTatiana, you came back.
Tatiana: of course, but we need to go, Gargamel is gonna get us.
Willow: she's right, let's go.

Then the Smurfs ran, Gargamel started to get up and get the Smurfs.

Gargamel: no, you don't Smurfs, come back here!!

The Smurfs were running away from Garamel, Hefty and Smurfette were running with SmurfTatiana, Smurfette was holding SmurfHeart.

Papa Smurf: we need to split up.
Willow: Tatiana, take Hefty's family with you to the right, we will go left.
Tatiana: okay.

Then the Smurfs went left and Smurfette's family and SmurfTatiana went right, Gutsy Smurf saw SmurfTatiana with the family.

Gutsy: be safe, SmurfTatiana.

He looked back and follow the Smurfs, Gargamel went for the family and run to get them. Then they had no where else to run, they were by a lot of trees, as Smurfette was scared and got close to Hefty.

Smurfette: we're trapped.
Hefty: don't worry hon, I have you back.

Then Gargamel was getting close to try and get them, Hefty was protecting his wife for protecting her.

Gargamel: you can't run now, Smurfs.
Smurfette: what do we do now?
Tatiana: I don't know Smurfette, we'll think.

As Gargamel was coming closer to them, the baby hugged her aunt and was scared of Gargamel getting her and her family.

SmurfHeart: scary.
Tatiana: it's okay SmurfHeart, we got you.

Then they closed their eyes and protect each other, before Gargamel can get them, the screen stopped.

Tatiana (voice over): "okay, so now we are at the same part we were at, so you know everything that happen to us, let's continue".

Gargamel was gonna get the family, but they heard a voice.

???: Hey, leave the family alone!

Gargamel looked up and saw a Smurf, she holds on to a zine and swings to Gargamel, Smurfette can't believe that it's SmurfWanda, she push Gargamel's nose and he fall down, SmurfWanda went to the family.

Smurfette: Wanda!
Wanda: Smurfette!

SmurfWanda and Smurfette ran to each other and shared a hug and let go.

Smurfette: I'm so happy to see you.
Wanda: me too.
Smurfette: hey, come here.
Wanda: okay.

SmurfWanda followed Smurfette and see Smurfette's family that, and she showed SmurfWanda the family members.

Smurfette: this is Hefty Smurf, my husband.
Hefty: hi.
Wanda: hello.
Smurfette: and this is our daughter, SmurfHeart.

SmurfHeart laughs as she see SmurfWanda, she holds SmurfHeart and smiled.

Wanda: hey sweetie, I'm happy to see you.
SmurfHeart: Wanda.

SmurfWanda got surprised of SmurfHeart said her name then she hugged her, SmurfWanda gives her to Smurfette.

Wanda: here.
Smurfette: thanks.

Then SmurfWanda saw SmurfTatiana behind Smurfette, she walked and went to SmurfWanda.

Tatiana: I'm SmurfTatiana by the way.
Wanda: nice to see you too.

Then they give each other a hand shake and smiled, then they heard Gargamel, they turned around and SmurfTatiana looked at them with fear.

Tatiana: everyone, run!!!

Then they started running, Gargamel got up and tried to get them.

Gargamel: come back here, you Smurfs.

Gargamel used his explanation balls, they dodged them until it hit between Hefty and his wife. Hefty and SmurfHeat flew left, and Smurfette, SmurfWanda and SmurfTatiana flew right, SmurfBlossom got worried.

Blossom: Smurfette!!

SmurfBlossom went to Smurfette, SmurfWanda was gonna get to Gargamel, Azreal and Monty were in front of her.

Wanda: not, Azreal and Monty.

SmurfWanda started to run away from Azreal and Monty, Hefty was holding SmurfHeart and was running until they were trapped by rocks, the evil Gargamel holds a explanation ball and looked at them.

Gargamel: say goodbye, little family.

In slow motion, Gargamel throws the explosion ball at Hefty and SmurfHeart, Smurfette got up next to SmurfBlossom and sees what's happening, she couldn't take it longer.

Smurfette: no, I need to save Hefty and my daughter!
Blossom: Smurfette, no!!

Smurfette went up in front and pushed Hefty and SmurfHeart and the explosive ball hit Smurfette by the rock and explode, Hefty falled on the ground and was still holding SmurfHeart in his arms, then he and looked at Smurfette at the rock.

Hefty: Smurfette!!

Then Hefty went to Smurfette, SmurfTatiana was fighting Gargamel, and SmurfWanda was running away from Azreal and Monty.

Wanda: get me as you can, Azreal and Monty.

While SmurfWanda was doing the pets, Gargamel was throwing explanation ball at SmurfTatiana, she dodged them until Gargamel was out of them, SmurfTatiana give him a laugh smiled, then Gargamel was mad.

Gargamel: that's it, time to finish this!

Gargamel grab his wand and shot power to her, SmurfTatiana used her staff and shot power too, Gargamel's power was getting close to her's.

Gargamel: give up, Smurf.
Tatiana: I won't Gargamel.
Gargamel: my power is strong, what makes you think that you can beat me?

Gargamel's power was coming closer, SmurfTatiana was about to give up but she remembers something from Gutsy Smurf.


Gutsy Smurf sees SmurfTatiana looking at her staff, he sat next to her and put a hand on her shoulder, SmurfTatiana looked.

Gutsy: hey, you're my best friend.
Tatiana: yeah.
Gutsy: you used the staff to save us, and with great power comes great responsibility.

SmurfTatiana sees that he was right, she gives him a hug and Gutsy Smurf hugged back.

Tatiana: thank you, Gutsy Smurf.
Gutsy: no problem.

End of flashback...

SmurfTatiana remembers what Gutsy Smurf said "with great power comes great responsibility", she then looked at Gargamel.

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