Chapter 10: nightmare

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Before they go to sleep, they shared a kiss.

Hefty: good night.
Smurfette: good night to you.

They lay down and went to sleep, Smurfette had her head on his chest. It was still night, all the smurfs were sleeping, but with Smurfette, she was having a bad dream when she was sleeping.

In Smurfette's nightmare...

Smurfette, Hefty and their daughter were in the forest, laying down by a tree.

Smurfette: thanks for taking us out here.
Daughter: Dada.
Hefty: hey, it's what I can do, for the family.

Smurfette and their daughter smiled at each other and at Hefty, he gives Smurfette a kiss then they heard something.

Hefty: shh.
Smurfette: what was that?
Daughter: daddy?
Hefty: I don't know, but it's coming closer.

Smurfette just hold her daughter close to her for protection, Hefty was in front of his family, Gargamel pop out.

Gargamel: surprise.
Both: Gargamel!!
Daughter: dad?
Hefty: run!!

Then they all started running from him, Gargamel was getting close to them.

Smurfette: he getting close!
Hefty: don't worry, I get us safe.
Gargamel: not for long!

They continue running until, they were around trees and had nowhere to go, they looked at front.

Gargamel: I got you Smurfs now!

Then Gargamel used his hands and grabbed the family.

Smurfette: let us go, Gargamel!
Hefty: yeah, leave my wife and daughter alone.
Gargamel: oh, I'm not gonna let you go.

Gargamel just give them a evil smile, Hefty was getting mad.

Gargamel: just wait until, I get the rest of the Smurfs.
Hefty: you will never find them.
Smurfette: and we are not gonna tell you.

Then Smurfette gives him a mad face, Hefty smiled because of Smurfette.

Hefty's thought: that's my wife.

Then Gargamel was mad at Smurfette and finishing talking.

Gargamel: you won't, they will come looking, but now you and your family belong to me!

Then Gargamel laughed as he had Smurfette's family in his hands and was scared, then Smurfette woke up and breath fast, she walked to the kitchen and grabbed a glass.

Smurfette: I need a drink.

She purred water in her cup and drink, after that she put it in the sink, she heard Hefty.

Hefty: Smurfette?

Smurfette turned around and saw her husband looking at her.

Smurfette: hey.
Hefty: what are you doing at 4:30 in the morning?

Hefty went up to Smurfette and hold her hand, all Smurfette can do is give him a hug, Hefty was confused.

Hefty: honey what are you...
Smurfette: I just had a bad dream, I had to wake up.
Hefty: oh.

Then Hefty felt a tear on his shoulder and looked at her, Smurfette was sad and leave her head on his shoulder.

Smurfette: sorry, I just can't stop.
Hefty: hey it's okay.

Hefty let her cried to his chest and moved his hand up and down on her hair then they went to their room, Smurfette sat down.

Hefty: I know your sad, but we gotta be careful with the baby.
Smurfette: I know, it's just a little hard.
Hefty: I know.

Hefty putted his hand on her stomach and sat down on the floor and put his head on her stomach, Smurfette looked at him.

Hefty: don't worry little one, we are going to be fine.

Then Smurfette smiled, Hefty stand up and sat next to her and thought of something.

Hefty: how about we go to SmurfTatiana?
Smurfette: are you sure, she been doing a lot of stuff.
Hefty: I know, but we need help.

Smurfette thought about it then looked at her stomach and she knew he was right.

Smurfette: okay, we go there.
Hefty: okay.

They walked out and went to SmurfTatiana, they knocked on the door and waited then the door opened.

Tatiana: oh, hey guys.
Hefty: we came here because Smurfette had a bad dream.
Tatiana: oh, come inside.

They went inside and SmurfTatiana closed the door, Hefty and Smurfette sat down.

Tatiana: okay Smurfette, tell me about the dream.
Smurfette: it was me, Hefty and our daughter, we where at the forest and calmed, then Gargamel came and got us.

Hefty and SmurfTatiana were surprised of the dream she had.

Tatiana: wow this is new.
Hefty: really?
Tatiana: yeah.

Then SmurfTatiana yawned, Gutsy Smurf came from the door and gives her a drink, she took it and took a ship.

Tatiana: thanks.
Gutsy: no problem.
Smurfette: does he come over to your mushroom?
Tatiana: yeah, he just want to see I'm okay.

Then Smurfette and Hefty smiled at SmurfTatiana, Gutsy putted his hand on her hat, SmurfTatiana looked back at them.

Tatiana: Hefty try to get Smurfette good one's, the bad are scary for her.

Then Hefty looked at Smurfette, she was breathing, he knew what he needs to do.

Hefty: okay, I will do it.
Tatiana: thanks, take care.
Smurfette: you too.

Then they walked out and went to their mushroom, they layed in bed.

Hefty: are you okay, hon?
Smurfette: yeah, I think so.
Hefty: come here.

Hefty pulled Smurfette closer to him as she was blushing, Smurfette looked at Hefty and had a smile.

Hefty: you know I protect you, right?
Smurfette: yeah.
Hefty: and that I love you and never leave you?
Smurfette: I know you do, dear.

Smurfette pulled Hefty into a kiss, Hefty kissed back, then for a minute, they pulled away.

Hefty: let's go to sleep, hon.
Smurfette: okay.

They give each other a hug and kiss and went to sleep for the night.

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