Chapter 13

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*Louis' POV*
My head thumps along with the beat of the music, whilst I walk behind Arriane and Niall.

I push after them through the sweaty bodies and up to the alcohol. Taking a cup I down it in a few seconds and grab another one.

Before I take a sip I see a curly mop out of the corner of my eye. Turning towards him my mouth falls slightly open.

Harry's normal attire has changed completely. The normal plain white shirt he usually wears has been swapped for a plain black v-neck, with a leather jacket. His fringe has been pushed back off his forehead making him look more mature and his tattoos that are always covered are on show and his cheeky smile is completely gone.

I watch as a pretty blonde chick struts up to Harry and puts her finger on his broad chest and whispers something in his ear. He smirks at her and he places his hands on her hips. Anger boils up inside me and I gulp the rest of my drink and chuck the cup on the ground. What has happened to little, cute Harry?

*Harry's POV*
I try not to react when Louis smashes his cup on the ground and keep my attention on the blonde in front of me.

She turns around and presses her ass against my crotch. I wrap my arms around her waist and move my hips in time with hers.

Discreetly I watch Louis reaction and a small smile makes its way onto my face when I see him glaring at the girl. I spin the blonde around and make eye contact with Louis right before I lean down and kiss the girl.

When I pull away I see that Louis has disappeared.

"Do you want to come to bed?" She asks as she rests both her hands on my chest.

I'm about to agree, but I spot Louis sitting by himself and I push the blonde away.

I walk over to where Louis is sitting and stand in front of him. He looks up surprised and before I can think I lean down and kiss him. He pulls me down and I straddle him without breaking the kiss.

After a while we pull away for air and I rest my forehead on his.

"So I guess we're good?" He smirks.

"I guess we are."

Louis pushes me down on my bed. Somehow we made it back to our dorm room between kisses. We're both breathing heavily as Louis pulls my shirt over my head.

"Wait Louis," I pant.

"What?" He looks at me with a confused expression.

"I've never, like," I gesture between us.

"Oh," he lifts himself off me and stands up.

I take my bottom lip between my teeth and look down. I hear Louis sigh and then he lifts my chin up so I have to look at him.

"Then I want it to be special," he smiles at me and I smile back, "for now cuddling!"

I laugh as he jumps on top of me. He wraps his arms around me and I tuck my head into his neck.

"Goodnight baby," he whispers and kisses my forehead softly.


I sling my backpack over my shoulder and look at Louis one more time before walking to my first class.

Along the way I notice most girls glancing at me a couple of times and whispering to each other and I frown. Is it because of my new style? I only chucked on a black button up long sleeve shirt with black skinnies, so I don't really see why they are looking at me differently.

I look down and realise I forgot to do up my top three buttons, so my tattoos are on show. I just shrug and continue walking.

A group of girls run up beside me and walk with me. I don't really pay any mind to them, but their giggling starts to get on my nerves.

"Would you shut up, for once in your life?" I glare at them and they snap their mouths shout.

"Uh, I was wondering what's your name, cause I haven't seen you around here before," a short brunette asks me.

"Harry Styles," I keep my answer short and sweet.

I take a sharp right into the English building which makes them stumble a bit and I chuckle.

"Bye Harry!" One of them yells and the others chorus byes after her. I look over my shoulder, wink at them and they all squeal. I laugh to myself. I'm definitely gonna have fun with this.

Another chapter :) Should I make the chapters longer??

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