Chapter 11

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*Harry's POV*

I watch each drop of blood as it runs from the cuts on my wrists. Tears silently stream down my face as I grab a bandage out of the drawer and wrap it around both of my wrists.

I quickly walk out of the co-ed bathroom, tugging the sleeves of my hoodie down over my hands.

Wiping the tears from my face I turn the key in the dorm door, praying that Louis hasn't decided to come back yet.

When I open the door I let out a sigh of relief when I don't see anyone.

*Louis' POV*

The vodka burns my throat as it goes down, but it couldn't be as bad as what Harry's feeling. Before I process what's happening Arriane snatches the bottle away from me.

"Hey!" I yell at her and try to grab the bottle back but she moves it out of my reach.

I pout and fold my arms over my chest, but she just laughs.

"Sorry Lou, but I needed to do that."

"Why the fuck would you need to do that?"

"How else are you going to get Harry back?" She gets up and walks away from me.

I try to get up fast to follow her, but dizziness hits me and I stumble. Shaking my head I try to make it go away. Once it goes away I slowly follow after Arriane.

When I get to the living room I freeze. Arriane and Niall are laughing together and I watch as Niall leans over and kisses her on the tip of her nose. I turn away and stumble down the hall towards the bathroom. Swinging the door open I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My blue eyes are blood shot and my hair is a mess. I look down at my fat stomach and feel bile rising in my throat. Not being able to look at my fat body any longer I turn away and kneel down in front of the toilet. I push my fingers down my throat until there's nothing left in my stomach.

After cleaning up the bathroom I walk out of the bathroom and into the living room. I let out a sigh when I see Arriane and Niall are gone. I plonk down on the lounge and switch on the TV.


Sorry it's short loves


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