Chapter 9

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Hi guys so so sorry I haven't updated in a while and that it's a short chapter but i wanted to do a cliffy so muhaha...... any who, does anyone have a crush?? I do and it sucks balls.

*Harry's POV*

I rub my hair with a towel and push it back into a messy quiff. I look at myself in the bathroom mirror, but quickly look away down at my wrists and the fresh slashes across them. I pull on a black button up long sleeved shirt and do up the buttons with shaking hands. I shimmy into a pair of black skinny jeans and pull on my black boots. When I open the bathroom door I spot Louis sitting on his bed, pulling his blue vans on.

When he sees me he smiles and stands up. He's wearing black jeans with a red and white t-shirt. I walk over to him and peck him on the lips.

"Another one?" he asks and I shake my head.

He pouts but before he can say anything else Niall barges into the room.

"Bloody hell Niall, don't you know how to knock?" Louis exclaims.

"Nope, but people are arriving and it's time to partay!" As Niall is saying this he shimmies out the door.

Louis rolls his eyes, "come on let's go."

As we walk down the stairs I can hear the music getting louder and when Louis opens the living room door I'm nearly deafened by it.

I try to stay with Louis but he gets swallowed up by the crowd. As soon as I loose sight of him I realise how many people are actually here. I push past all the sweaty bodies until I get to a little corner where no one is standing.

I sit on the floor and try to block out the music, but fail. I watch as a girl gets pushed and her beverage flies everywhere. She throws her hands up in the air and storms off. No one pays any attention to her though.

I stand up and decide to try and find either Louis, Niall or Arriane. As I'm pushing through the crowd a red cup is pushed into my hand. I look up at the person who handed it to me and see it's Niall. He smiles at me and says something but I can't hear him over the deafening music.

He grabs my bicep and pulls me through the crowd. We end up in the kitchen where the music level is a bit more bearable.

"Where's Lou?" Niall asks me, his speech slightly slurred.

Great he's drunk.

I shrug, "I don't know I lost him."

"Damn I told him to stay with you."


"Uh no reason," his glazed over eyes focus on me before he stumbles out of the kitchen.

I glance at the red cup in my hand and contemplate whether to drink it or not. I decide against it and pour the liquid down the sink.

I walk out of the kitchen and back into the crowded living room. I push my way to where the couch is to sit down but there are half naked people on it. Shoving people out of the way I get back to the corner where I was before.

My mouth drops open from shock as I take in the scene in front of me. Some girl with long brown hair is in lip lock with Louis.

I'm still standing there in shock when Louis pulls away from the girl and we make eye contact. I quickly turn away and push through everyone and into the kitchen.

I furiously wipe my eyes, I shouldn't be crying over him. I race up the stairs and into Louis' room. Locking the door I make my way into the bathroom. I rummage through the bin and find the razor I used earlier tonight.

I pull up my sleeves, but pull them back down. I let out a shaky breath and lift the bottom of my shirt up, exposing my stomach and waist. I put the razor against my skin and tears slip down my cheeks. I hear banging on the bedroom door, but I block it out. Pushing the blade onto my skin I pull it across my stomach.

When I'm finished my hands are bloody and blood is sliding down onto the band of my jeans from the six deep cuts on my stomach.

Tears are streaming down my face when Louis finally rams through the door. Hi face pales when he spots me, but he still reaches a shaking hand out towards me. I fall into his arms and he catches me.

One voice in my head is chanting, once a cheater always a cheater, but another one is telling me that it might have been a mistake. Except the voice that stands out the most out of all of them is the one telling me to cut more. On my wrists, my thighs, my stomach, my shoulders, my shoulders, anywhere there's skin. It's also telling me to burn myself. Get a lighter and burn every ounce of skin until I pass out from the pain. Or maybe just end it all. Just go to the chemist and buy some pills, take a hand full and gulp them down, turning the lights out forever.

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