Chapter 6

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Hi just letting you know watch the POVs cause I change from Harry to Louis in the middle somewhere :)

*Harry's POV*

I sit in my seat in calculus, watching the clock and waiting for the class to be over. I start drumming my fingers against the desk when a paper airplane lands in front of me. I furrow my eyebrows and pick up the peace of paper. I open it slowly and read it.

You seem bored - Louis

I roll my eyes and scribble down my reply.

Who wouldn't be?

I chuck the paper back at Louis, not bothering to make it into an airplane. I watch as his corner of his mouth twitch into a smile. He writes down something before he turns towards me to throw it back. His eyes lock with mine and he smiles. He turns back to the desk in front of him and writes something else before throwing it back.

You ruined my beautiful plane :( haha I caught you.

I chuckle to myself.

Im sorry about your plane and you didn't catch be because I wasn't looking at you just to look at you, I was waiting for you to finish.

I throw it back at him but it ends up hitting Arriane in the side of the head. Her head snaps up and glares at me. I look at Louis who is trying to muffle his laughter behind his hand. The bell goes and I start packing up my stuff.

I stand up and sling my bag over my shoulder. I walk over to the door and wait for Louis. I watch as Zayn walks over to him. They chat for a bit before Louis nods his head and walks over to me.

"You ready?" He smiles at me. I watch as Zayn frowns at us and walks over.

"Hey lou remember we have the party tonight," Zayn stares at me as he says this.

"Yeah I know, lets go Harry," Louis grabs my wrist and I flinch. Louis furrows his eyebrows, "Did I hurt you?"

"N-no, you just scared me that's all," I stutter, Louis looks at me weirdly before letting go of my wrist.

He walks off down the hall and I hurry after him. We walk side by side until we get out into the car park. I fall behind Louis as I study my wrists. I look up to see Louis a few metres away from me and a jog a little to catch up to him. He looks around in his bag while still walking and pulls out some keys. He walks a bit further before he stops in front a shiny, silver Sesto Elemento Lamborghini and my mouth falls open. He notices my shocked expression and his cheeks turn red.

"That's an awesome car," I state.

"Uh thanks," he scratches the back of his neck, "well shall we go?" He doesn't wait for my answer and just gets into his car.

I hesitate for a second before opening the door and sliding into the car. I put my seat belt on and run my hand over the red, leather seats. Louis starts the car and it roars to life.

"So you can put your address into here," Louis taps something into a touch screen in the middle of the dash board before he points to it.

I typed in my address and it gave Louis directions.

"Your know I could've just told you where to go, right?" I tell him.

"Yeah I know but I like to use it," I roll my eyes, "did you just roll your eyes at me?"

"Yes I did."

"Well I'm going to have to do something about that, but I'll do it later." He pushes his foot down lightly on the accelerator and drives out of the car park.


*Louis' POV*

The drive takes about two minutes before I pull into Harry's driveway. I stop the engine and get out of the car. Harry scrambles out after me and runs round to my side.

"No you don't have to come in, you can wait in the car," he says while avoiding my eyes.

"Why," I frown.

"Uh rea-," he's cut of by a yell and a scream. He spins around and runs up the pathway and disappears behind the bushes.

I quickly run after him and follow him up to he front door.



Sorry it's short but I wasn't supposed to go on my computer and my mum found out and made me turn it off and I wanted to update so TADA anyway...



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