Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to Aaron Bettler

*Harry's POV*

Liam and I arrive to class with a minute to spare. Liam walks to his desk and I walk up to the teacher.

"Excuse me, sir I'm new here," I start wringing my hands and the teacher looks up at me.

"Okay well welcome I'm Mr Paw, you can sit anywhere you want." He looks back down at his desk.

I look around the classroom and see that the only spot is next to Niall. I trudge down to it and sit down.

"Hey you're new here right?" Niall asks me and I notice he has an Irish accent.

"Yeah I am, Harry Styles." I smile at him.

"Niall Horan, sorry about Zayn earlier I would've stopped him but we're all a bit scared of him, except Louis of course," he smiles at me his blue eyes sparkling.

"Niall and friend, please stop talking and pay attention to the board," I look to the front and see that the teacher isn't even looking at us as he says this. I feel like this is going to be a long lesson.

Finally the bell goes and I quickly shove my notes into my bag and hurry out the door.

"Harry slow down lad!" I hear Liam call after me and I slow down and turn to face him.

"Sorry I've got to get home," I give him a tight lipped smile.

"Okay sure see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah tomorrow," I turn around and start walking towards my house.

After a five minute walk I end up standing out the front of my house. As I walk up the driveway I look at all the weeds and shrivelled flowers growing along the side of the path. I quickly jump up the stairs fearful that they'll break and open the front door. Please don't be home please I think to myself. I hear someone running down the hall and I quickly shut the door. I see my little brother Aaron racing towards me and I bend down. Seeing me he starts sprinting and he jumps into my open arms.

"Hey Aaron," I pull back and study his face. It looks like the bruise around his blue eye is fading and he has washed his light brown hair as there is no blood in it anymore.

"Hi Harry," he grins up at me, "how was your first day it university?"

"It was good little guy," I stand up and ruffle his hair, "are Lisa and Braden home?" Lisa and Braden adopted me when I was about five, but Aaron is their actual child.

"No they've gone to the pub, so we are alone for about," he pauses for a second, "three hours." I let out a long breath, I really didn't want to deal with Braden at the moment.

"Okay do you want to go pick a movie while I see if there's something to eat?" I ask him and he nods quickly and races out of the room. I chuckle to myself and walk down to the kitchen.

I open the cabinet and see there is a can of soup and some popcorn. I smile and pull the popcorn out. It must be left over from Lisa's party last weekend. I place the popcorn in the microwave and race to my room. I open the door and walk over to my dresser. I slip off my black skinny jeans and pull on a pair of tracksuit pants. I pull my shirt over my head and drop to the ground. My eyes travel over my pale torso. There is one big blue and green bruise going from the right side to the left side of my stomach. On my bicep there is a bruise mark in the shape of fingers. I quickly pull on my pyjama top cringing as a flash back of what happened last night ran through my mind.

*Flash back*

I walk through the front door and close it as quietly as I could. I hear a yell and glass smashing coming from Aaron's room. I quickly run down and I see Braden's fist connect with Aaron's eye. I gasp my eyes traveling down to Aaron's nose which he was cupping with his hand trying to stop the blood. I see Braden grab something from behind Aaron and my eyes widen. Braden is holding a baseball bat above Aaron's head.

"No!" I yell charging towards Braden and knocking the bat out of his hand.

Braden's blood shot brown eyes transfer from a trembling Aaron to me. His eyes darken.

"I never wanted you kid, only Lisa did," he spits, "and now you've interfered with something that isn't your business." He shakes his head.

"If Aaron's involved it is my business." Braden's hand slaps my cheek.

"I'm going to have to teach you a lesson kid." He grabs my bicep hard and I'm sure it's going to leave a bruise.

I try to squirm out of his grip but it just gets tighter. He drags me towards my room with one hand and I notice he's holding the baseball bat in the other and I whimper.

"Shutup, you baby!" He yells and throws me onto the floor.

I see him raise the bat up above his head before he brings it down slamming it into my stomach. I roll into a ball, tears streaming down my face and I swallow a cry.

"Maybe that'll teach you to not interfere with my business." I hear him walk out and slam the door.

*End of flashback*


Another chap woo!


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