Chapter 8

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*Harry's POV*

I'm sitting on Louis' white, leather lounge. My hair is soaking wet and drops of water keep falling onto my face. I grab the towel that's sitting next to me and rub my hair with it. I place it back down beside me and run a hand through my hair.

Louis walks into the room. He only has a pair of black jeans on and his boxers are peeking out of the top of them. I look down at my own pair of black jeans and pretend to pick at them.

Louis clears his throat and I look up at him. He's holding a cup of steaming hot tea in front of me. I grab it and hold it just in front of me with both hands. He walks over to the arm chair opposite from where I'm sitting and sits down in it.

"So are you gonna tell me?" he breaks the silence.

I place the cup of tea down on the coffee table and stare down at my hands.

"Harry," I look up at him, "you can tell me."

I shake my head. I can't tell him why I cut, Braden will most definitely find and and then I'd be dead.

Louis huffs and falls back into his chair.

"What can I do then?" he asks and I shrug.

He stands up and walks over to me. He kneels down in front of me and I avert my eyes from his gaze. He rests one of his hands on my cheek and my eyes widen. He slowly moves closer and I can feel his breath on my face.

I move my head closer feeling a boost of confidence and Louis presses his lips against mine. My eyes flutter shut and our lips move in sync.

"Oh my gosh!" I hear someone yell and then I hear a click like someone has taken a photo.

I pull back from Louis and I see Arriane and Niall standing at the door of the living room. I feel my cheeks heat up and when I look at Louis his face is bright red.

"Arriane did you take a photo?" Louis ask her.

"No I would never do that," she smiles at him.

Louis raises an eyebrow and stands up. He calmly walks over to Arriane.

"Show me your phone," he holds his hand out.

"NEVER!" Arriane yells and runs off. Louis chases her.

Niall follows them leaving me alone. I press my fingers against my lips remembering how Louis' lips felt against mine.

I hear incoherent yelling coming from another room and decide to follow the sound.

I follow the yelling until I see Louis with his arm wrapped around Arriane's neck and Niall trying to get him off of her.

"Harry, thank god you're here," Arriane says when she spots me, "please tell your boyfriend to let go of me."

"He's not my boyfriend."

"I'm not his boyfriend."

Louis and I say in sync.

"Sure whatever but Harry can you just tell him to get off of me?" I shake my head and she huffs.

"Delete the photo then I'll let go," Louis tells her.

"Never do you know how many people on Tumblr will love it?"

"Exactly why I want you to delete it."


"Harry, love could you take the phone off her?" Louis asks me and I nod.

"Whipped," Arriane mutters under her breath and Louis whacks her on the head with his free hand. She glares at him.

I walk over to them and easily pull the phone out of Arriane's hand. I poke my tongue out at her and turn on the phone. I swipe my thumb across the bottom of the screen to unlock it and I'm surprised when there isn't a passcode. I go into photos and click on the photo of me and Louis, but before I can delete it Niall snatches the phone out of my hand. He runs out of the room and Louis races after him. Arriane walks out after them and I follow her.

We end up outside right next to the pool and Louis and Niall are threatening to push each other in. Arriane walks up to them and takes her phone, sliding it into her back pocket. Before Louis or Niall can register what she's doing she pushes them into the pool.

They both break the surface spluttering. I walk over to the side of the pool and stand beside Arriane.

"Ah the irony," Arriane sighs and Louis raises an eyebrow.

"What irony?" he asks.

"That me and Harry are not soaked but you and Niall are when it should be either me and Niall soaked or you and Harry."

"Oh yeah I guess," Louis grins at me and swims over to the edge of the pool.

He reaches his hand up towards me and I grab it. I'm about to pull him up when he tugs me into the pool. When I surface my hair is in my eyes and I can hear everyone laughing. I hear a squeal shortly followed by a splash. My head whips around and I see Arriane glaring at Niall with makeup running down her face.

"These," she hits him "are," hit "my only," sob "clothes!" she swims over to the edge of the pool and lifts herself out of the water, "you're lucky I sat my phone on the lounge chair."

Niall swims over to her and pulls himself up to sit beside her. He wraps an arm around her and she burries her head in his shoulder.

I turn away not wanting to disturb their moment and almost have a heart attack. Louis is so close to me that the tips of our noses are brushing.

"Oi love birds we better get ready there's half an hour till the party starts!" I hear Niall yell.

I swim away from Louis towards the edge of the pool and lift myself out of the water. Arriane and Niall walk off towards the house, but I wait for Louis. Once he gets out of the pool I go up to him and shake my head so water flies everywhere from my hair. Louis squeals and runs off to the house. I chase after him and follow him up the stairs, into his bedroom.

*Louis' POV*

Harry walks slowly towards me, an ever growing smirk on his face. I back up until my bum presses against the end of my bed. He keeps walking towards me until his chest is pressed up against mine. His green eyes sparkle as he leans his head down towards mine. Our lips brush and my eyes close. I have to fight my wings to make them stay folded against my back.

Harry's hands rest on my hips and I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer. His hand slowly makes its way to my bum and rests there. He licks my bottom lip asking for entrance but I keep my lips sealed. Harry squeezes my bum and I let out a gasp. Taking the opportunity to push his tongue into my mouth. He grips the back of my thighs in both his hands and lifts me up, placing me softly on my bed. I let out a giggle and Harry pulls back, looking at me weirdly.

"You just giggled," he lets out a laugh.

"I did not," I pout.

"Yes you did love," he kisses my nose and gets off the bed.

I stretch my arms out towards him, "come back."

"We've got to get ready for the party.'

I give him my best puppy dog eyes and he sighs.

"Lou, come on."

"But Hazza," I whine.

"Hazza?" He raises an eyebrow and my cheeks turn red.

"It just came out," I pull a pillow over my head.

I feel him tugging at it. I try to keep it but I give up and let him pull it away. His eyes stare into mine while he leans down. They flicker down to my lips before coming back up to my eyes. I close my eyes when his lips brush mine. I don't feel anything else so I open my eyes. I see Harry has moved over to his suitcase. I get up off the bed and sneak up behind him. Before he realises I'm there I jump onto his back.



Yay another chapter :D Do any of you guys know what creepypasta is? If yes whose your favourite creepypasta? Comment please

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