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Lucas's POV:

It's been forever since I've seen Maya. I miss her so much.. I can't bear it anymore.

I've been kept in this prison for what seems like my whole life- and todays the day im getting released.

Just a few more hours and I get to run back to Maya and I get to hug her tight and never let go. I got to smell the fresh sent of her perfume everytime we hug. I got to feel the softness of her lips everytime we kiss. I got to feel her tiny waist when my arms are wrapped around her.

Now- I get to feel it all again.

Maya's POV:

After my conversation with Riley, she said she wanted to go to the store with her parents. Since they have to take the subway, it'd take atleast an hour so I had time to hang with Josh.

I walk into Rileys living room and Josh is just waking up.

"Well, good morning. I was sure you were dead for a while." I joke.

It was a bit past 2:00 p.m.

Josh runs his fingers through his hair and checks the clock.

"Dang, already 2 p.m?" He asks.

"Yeah," I shrug. "Did you get any sleep last night?"

"Kinda. I was busy admiring your beautiful self." He says awkwardly.

I feel my cheeks burning, knowing that I must be blushing like crazy.

"You think I'm beautiful?"

The corners of Josh's lips turn slowly into a smile.

"Well, yeah. Probably the most beautiful girl I've known." He says, clearly amused by how much I'm blushing.

I give up on trying to hide my bright red cheeks.

"Why, your pretty fine yourself." I say elegantly.

"Thats all I get?" He laughs.

"Fine, your the cutes guy I've ever met. I love your hair, and eyes. I love how your so tall, too."

"Thanks, shorty."

"Shorty?" I laugh.

"Yeah! Here, look." He stands up, and stands in front of me face to face- unusually close.

"You come up to my chest." He points out.

"Well.. What if I were to stand on the couch?" I smirk.

He glares at the couch then at me.

"Dont be a cheater." He jokes.

Suddenly I run to the couch and hop on it. Josh walks infront of me like before- only this time hes up to my chest.

"Who's taller now, shorty?" I giggle.

"You know what cheaters get, don't you?"


"They get tackled!"

Suddenly, he picks me up as if I weighed nothing, and runs around the room with me in his arms.

I laugh crazily- for the first time in what seems like forever.

He drops me on the couch, and I lay on my back. Then, Josh hovered over me. The room fell silent.

We stare into each other's eyes for a moment, then I suddenly feel Josh's lips on mine. Our lips move swiftly together and for a moment I forget about everything.

When we finally need to take a moment to breathe, we seperate and sit upright on the couch.

"Thank you." I tell him.

"For what?"

"For helping me move on. For a while, I thought Lucas was the only person I could ever love.. But turns out I was wrong. Thank you."

"Your welcome." Josh pauses. "Maya?"


"I love you."

I hesitate, and look away. If he made me feel like I did with Lucas, is this love? He seems to make all of my problems drift away. I think it is.

"I love you too." I smile.

This is love.

Begin Again - prequel to The Project - book 3Where stories live. Discover now