Chapter 9: I M B R O G L I O

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Start at the beginning.

He faints - I didn't see it coming but in an instant he collapses to the cold hard pavement.


"Hey," I drop to a knee.

"Hey. You okay?" I try to catch him but I'm a second too late.

His head meets the ground first, and blood escapes his nose.

The cop car opens. "Oh my god!" The officer jumps out the car door. 

"I-I don't know why this happens but we have to get him to a hospital now!" I shout, taking a step back.

The officer cradles him, while I, reach for the game changer in my right pocket.


The watch vibrates, a signal emits that resonates with the entire street.

Every thing halts.

Casey appears.

Her floret red dress flutters as she spawns next to Caasi.

"Ah, intriguing moment," she sighs.

"I didn't know what else to do," I reply.

"Or who to call, evidently."

She steps over to Joshua. "A police officer," she looks him up and down.

Then she peers over his robust shoulder, and glances at Hayden.

"Ah, so it's him." She then looks over to me.

"You're willing to trade all of them? Doesn't sound very equivalent to me." Casey says.

"The price should stack up, I just need to know his mortality." I reply.

"Ha! Since when did you find out numbers?"

Grinding my teeth, "I'm taking a leap."

"Of faith?" She asks.

"Of fortune." I spit.

Casey smiles, "Very well." She nods.

Then she steps over to the police car. It's red light shining against Officer Kelley's oily ponytail. The blue light cascades against Hayden's bloody nose. She opens the back door and sits inside.

"Five-Oh has thirty seven years, two months, forty days, eleven hours, ten minutes and thirty-six seconds - give or take." She says.

"And how much left for them?" I ask.

Casey hesitates.

The stillness of the air makes me feel, my heartbeat. It throbs behind my eyes. Sweat beats against the inside of my shirt. I can feel it pooling in my socks and pits too.

*I'm nervous*

Way more than I've ever been around them.

"Say it!"

"You're better off asking how much are left for you."

I suck my teeth, in disapproval.


She maniacally giggles. "Because they, my dear child, don't even add up."

I gasp, no, I can't believe it. There wasn't any way in hell that they...

> Bump

There's no way

> Thump

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