Chapter 11 : J I F F Y

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It feels like pure surrealism, standing before me. My brain is sweating. I am not... looking in a mirror. This feels wrong, really, really weird and i wanna run but - i cant.

I'm frozen in a quivering sculpture.

He doesn't just look like me.

My mind knows.

I'm beside myself.

"What is this?"

He waits, hesitates, carelessly.

His eyes stay across from mine.

"What's what?"

WHAT?! How do i even describe what i mean? This doesn't make sense.

"What's going on?!" Everyone behind him looks at me.

"Whatever you think is happening is exactly right." Syeef says.

I shove passed the doorway, and stumble into the living. Needles are in my forehead.

"How did this happen?!" I look around.

There's so many people that i know here. The feeling of not knowing why is like stepping into acid.

"That's what we're trying to figure out," Betty says. "How did you get here?"

"The watch!"

"Me too," Leo steps towards me.

"What're you even doing here?"

"You're not..." Syeef approaches on my left.

If i were to suddenly spawn eleven more arms, i wouldn't know how to use them. That's essentially how i feel at this time, and it occurs to me that i can manipulate time, at once.

> Upstairs

"And i can't imagine why this would work. It doesn't make sense so i can't react to it," she says.

"You're supposed to freak out,"

"And i get that! So why hasn't he did it?"

"Because you expect that."

"So what does he do instead?"

"They're moving." He opens the door then reaches into the air and twists his hand.

## The Dim Room

He looks at the body in the hospital bed. Even though there are two people here, it feels like three of them are already dead.

"What am i supposed to do with this?"

He takes a moment, preparing to say something in a way that i care about.

His finger meets his goatee, "I'm sorry, i don't know what to say." He looks at the body with me.

We're not sure if she's dead or alive but we also don't know how to find out.

"Why don't you just go back?"

> Caasi's House

My wings burst and i scream at all of them, "I tried that and this IS BACK!" The puddles of blood beneath my mother ripple.

"So go somewhere else," Syeef replies.

I turn to him instantly.

He smirks.

"Why would you say that?"

"You don't like it. And you don't know how to fix it. So you can't use what's most precious to you because you can't choose!" He laughs, "There's no place you'd rather be!"

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