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There are Seven ways to end up next. Apparently there's only a handful of ways to die.

The thought that persisted, was seeing an angel.

It's fascinating in its bewildering complexity.

How can you see an angel?

What am i looking at?

It feels like a fish.

That's weird, in a way that feels good.

It feels good because it's bigger than me, and it's not supposed to be. It's sublime, it's movement, comprehensive- still doesn't logically make sense. It unfolds, floats, propels itself through midair. It moves like it's a jellyfish swimming in water.

That's cool.

But there's something more than cool about it.

Is it because it's gigantic? Or was it the fictitious sum of its nature?

Both contribute to what i feel is a creation. Somehow imbued with enough composites to take that pneumonic presence.

So it felt real.

It was one of few imaginary concepts this year, that felt real enough to capture my interest.

What does it represent?

The form of a monster. An animal beyond our evolution. A UFO, extraterrestrial giant.

An angel... something who's existence i cannot understand because it's dimension of thought is higher than mine. So communication is moot, useless, like an ant.

It fascinates me to have a grasp on what an angelic being would look like and do.

I think to attempt to recreate such an entity, my mind is trying to go about it as if it were a character. Yknow trying to muster up a motivation, purpose, or even form or directive of actions to take.

And yet none of these I'm capable of thinking of.

It further shows me that the existence of an angel is still mostly beyond what i can comprehend.

This is cool. But how can i break it down?

I'm often brought to the perspective of an observer. Someone witnessing something great. Then i realize that it doesn't reach much beyond that. The chains of what my brain can imagine are still somehow tethered to earthly information, and first hand experiences.

So what makes me wanna talk about an angel. What about is more than cool?

What's the deep feeling and how can we expand it?

It's cool because despite an angel bejeweled in benevolence - it's holiness exist in biblical form alone. To think that what if in human actuality it's what we call a monster.

Somehow that feels like bringing god down to earth.

We tamed an angel by burning the wings.

It makes me wanna explore how many monsters our world is made of.

But when the thing isn't human, it seems to manifest only in aspects of negativity.

I need to explore loss and violence without its tangibility.

You have seven other selves.

What a lovely idea, the worst parts segregated as sins.

It's easier to hurt what isn't human.

If ignorance is bliss - i suppose it is expensive to willingly blind one's smile.

## Upstairs

"I should go down there, and feel the sun." Isaac says.

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