Chapter 10: P a r a l l e l

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This is the longest ride on a highway to hell.

I hadn't thought about how long we'd been driving - or how long of a silence this was. Still Officer Kelley kept going like a deer in the headlights. And Hayden was still unconscious. Casey, though corporeal, was still beside me.

"Have you decided what to tell them?" She finally asks.

I glance at her, with tired eyes. "Is that supposed to be funny?"

She giggles. "Well yeah, the car doesn't stop until you do silly."

I sigh, didn't know that. "Isn't there... some sorta run of the mill response? Like men in black or something."

"For us there is. But you're new, and im not supposed to help you." She pokes my shoulder. "But, they'll receive a false memory of the events once you decide to warp." She adds.

I look out the window - the frames of the highway are distorted. The road stretches and the trees swash together like water color paint. Everything feels slowed with syrup and melty like butter.

"Once you have a location in mind - the watch can bring you there. Mind you, it'll still be the same point in time. So, i recommend you choose wisely. Preferably someplace where you can predict the happenstance." Casey advises.

Normally i would imagine my home but, i had a gut feeling that it wouldn't be right. Appearing there out of thin air seemed like the last thing i needed to explain to my mom. She already has become a borderline alcoholic. Gabbi's coma is the only reason she leaves the house, and the only hospital she subscribes to. Without those medicinal motivations, i doubt she'd stick around for me or Jared.

I didn't wanna cause another headache.

I could warp to Titilayo's house or my brother's, but i felt like that would be invasive. It was actually a bit harder than I thought to pick a place.

"I didn't know time worked like that," i muster.

This was a failed attempt at small talk.

"It doesn't. No one is an expert, but Isaac knew an Horologist. He got a lot of tips from timekeepers and watchmakers."

My eyes spread. It was like a lightbulb came on. That was all, that i needed to hear.

The doctors office.

It was a perfect meeting place. Regardless of what exactly leads to it, being there could be like a cheat code.

If i managed to appear there, even after hours, the amount of activity was minimal. I could find a ride back home, but easily escape sight. No one would notice my randomness, and i might even be able to swerve my way into getting off scott free.

My mind was made up. That's where i was headed.

"I know where to go."

"Good. Close your eyes, and count backwards." She rests a hand on my shoulder.

"I'll take things from here. These two, will end up at the hospital - and they'll forget that they met Caasi. You'll be transported to wherever, and from there, you can move forward as planned." She speaks softly.

She almost sounds like a guide, actually helpful for once. It's eerie, and somewhat off-putting despite the good news.

"I understand," not really but it's an affirmation that works here.

She smiles, "Say goodbye... old friend." She slips her hand away from me - then pulls out a locket from her dress. It's a gold platted necklace with a watch as the pendant. The locket, is an esoteric watch like mine. It's sparkling, and begins to emit a warm bioluminescence.

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