Medicine & Poison (final part) - True Courage

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I was standing there, my eyes fixed on Hachiman's huge unconscious body.

Liang: "Jinx."

I flinched and turned to him.

Liang: "Can I speak with you?"

Jinx: "Mm..... kay..."

I took his hand and walked a bit before stopping. I stared down at my hands in front of me feeling like I was about to cry.

Liang: "Jinx-"

I couldn't take it. I wrapped my arms around him, buried my face in his stomach and cried.

Jinx: "I'm so sorry... Liang! I- I should have... I should have listened to you! You were right... I couldn't fight him... I wasn't strong enough! I— I should have just..."

Liang: "Shh shh... it's alright..."

Jinx: "I wanted to protect you... protect Nico... but I- I..."

Liang: "But you were afraid. I know..."

He separated himself from me so he could kneel down to my level.

Liang: "Look at me, Jinx."

I raised my head with tears slipping down my cheeks.

Liang: "You were so brave. And I'm proud of you."

I wiped my face.

Jinx: "But I... I was so scared... I was a coward-"

Liang: "Stop. Don't you ever call yourself that. Listen to me... cowards are people who are afraid and run away. But you faced the danger head on, even though the odds were against you... even though you were scared. That's what true courage is."

He brushed my hair out of my face.

Liang: "... You know... I was afraid too."

Jinx: "R-really?"

Liang: "Yes... Hachiman has taken a lot from me... and I was afraid... he was going to take you too."

Jinx: "... I'm sorry for scaring you..."

Liang: "Hm?"

I gave him a determined look.

Jinx: "I'll protect you from now on, okay!"

He smiled.

Liang: "I know you will. Now, go on back to your brother. But first, tell me what you learned today."

Jinx: "Always do what you say."

Liang: "And?"

Jinx: "And it's okay to be scared sometimes."

Liang: "Good girl."

I gave him a smile before going to sit with Nico while Qi gave him new bandages to replace the ones that turned red.

Nico: "Hey, Jinx. Is everything okay?"

Jinx: "Yeah. I'm alright now."

Qi: "There you go."

Nico: "Yay! I'm like a fresh mummy! Thanks, grandpa!"

Qi: "Really? That kinda talk is going to give me a complex."

Nico: "I think I wanna call you old man Qi!"

Jinx: "Yeah! Old man Qi!"

We both giggled.

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