Bump in the Night (final part) - 'Murderous' Ghost of Nanba

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We ran back to building 13.

Uno: "Are you serious?! The sadistic spirit was in OUR BUILDING all along?!"

Nico: "We're going back to where we started."

Jinx: "The blood the blood the blood! I smelled blood!"

Uno: "Why didn't you say anything?!"

Jinx: "What?! I did! But then these two came along crying 'Save us, there's a ghost in our building'!"

Honey: "SHUT UP!"

Trois: "Just tell us when you smell it again, okay."

Jinx: "Oh don't worry, you'll all be the next to know."

We ran through building 13, absolutely terrified.

Third Inmate: "And every year... someone disappears without a trace!"

Second Inmate: "All that's left behind is the strong scent of blood."

Third Inmate: "We refer to him as 'The Murderous Ghost of Nanba'."

First Inmate: "The ones that got close enough to find out... they were all SLAUGHTERED!!"

I shook my head and smacked my cheeks while mentally repeating to myself 'It was just a rumour. It was just a rumour.' Suddenly, it hit, and I froze.

Jinx: "Stop!"

Everyone came to a halt and gathered around me.

Musashi: "What is it?"

Upa: "Is she here?"

I lowered my voice to a whisper

Jinx: "Uh... uh huh. It's even stronger than before..."

All our eyes were darting up and down the corridor. But we saw nothing.

Rock: "Are you sure?"

Jinx: "I'm not lying!"

Suddenly, we all heard a loud CRASH! Like something heavy slamming itself into a wall. We shuffled together as crashes, bangs and moans were coming from all around, yet we still saw nothing.

Liang: "Hey, show yourself already!"

We all let out a scream as the lights flashed off without warning. All was silent until it was broken by the sound of eerie giggling coming from down the dark corridor.

Qi: "What's happening?"

Nico: "I can't see anything!"

Claudia: "Hellooooh..."

Chills ran up our spins as we heard the spooky, distorted voice of a young girl. The lights flashed back on and the first thing we saw was the dark figure of a teenage girl in a black dress with flowing black hair. Her eyes were blood red and wide and she was grinning at us.

Jyugo: "That's her?"

Uno: "No duh! What was your first clue?!"

Claudia: "I hear you've been looking for me... how foolish."

She had been holding something long behind her back and when she brought it out, we could see more clearly that is was a bloody axe.

Nico: "Wait... where did she get that?!"

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