Chapter 7

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I woke up to a blinding light falling on my eyes. "Just two minutes mom." I groaned and turned on my side. That's when I remembered the previous night's events i.e. till where I could remember. I sat up suddenly and immediately fell back. My head was spinning and the fact that I had a horrible headache didn't really help with the situation. This time I sat up slowly and analysed my surroundings. I was in a foreign apartment. And the room I was in looked like it desperately needed cleaning. There were things scattered everywhere. It looked like a guy's room to be precise.

I stood up shocked. What the hell was I doing in a guy's room?

I looked down at what I was wearing and was relieved to find that I was still in my own dress. That meant that nothing had happened. At least nothing that involved removal of clothes because I was pretty sure I was making out with some guy.

Argh! I sat down at the edge of the bed with my head between my hands. The headache was bad. I guess I deserved it. I shouldn't have drunk that much. But it was Mr. Waltz's fault. Nonetheless I had to get out of the mess I was in.

I looked around to search for my purse and was glad when I found it on the bedside table. I checked all the contents, not that I thought anything would be missing but one could never be too careful these days. I took out my phone and saw 3 missed calls from my mother and texted her saying I was fine and crashing at a friend's place. I knew I had a lot of explaining to do but at this moment I could barely even keep my eyes open, let alone think of an excuse.

The door opened and someone entered. The sunlight was directed at the entrance so I couldn't really see who had entered till he was quite near me.

"Hey." He smiled.

"Hi." I mumbled and pressed my head between my hands, trying to reduce the wild thumping that seemed to be going on inside my head.

"Here." He offered me a glass.

"What is this?" I knew better than to accept strange drinks from strangers. Okay, maybe he wasn't a stranger since I had been making out with him and sleeping on his bed but I still didn't know his name.

"It's the best cure for a hangover."

I accepted the drink but eyed it carefully. "What have you put in there?"

"I could tell you but then I would have to kill you."

I looked up at him in shock and the sudden movement of my head caused me to groan.

"I was kidding. It's just my hangover cure. I looked it up on the internet one day and guess what? It works."

I still wasn't too sure about it but anything that would stop the heaviness in my head was welcome at this moment. I took a sip and immediately recoiled. It tasted disgusting. I could taste many things in it including onion.

"Yuck." I complained.

He laughed at my discomfort and said, "I know. It tastes bad but it is the best cure there is. Now come on, drink up."

I didn't want to do it but I pinched my nose and started to drink. When I tried to stop he held up my glass and said, "All at once."

I drank it all and when I kept the glass down I could feel the drink coming back up. The puke was almost till my throat when he handed me water and nodded encouragingly. I drank all of it grateful for something to wash it down.

"Better?" He asked when I had finally kept the glass down.

Surprisingly though, I did feel better. I mean, the headache was still there and everything but it was quite bearable. Nothing like what I had when I first woke up. So I just nodded my head.

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