Chapter 10

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"Hey man."

"Why'd you call, Adrian?" Ian sounded tired.

"I wanted to apologise. To you and" I took a deep breath and continued, "and to her."

"What?" I could hear disbelief ringing through his voice.

"You heard me. Maybe we all can meet up for lunch today?" It was our off day and I didn't have any plans till the evening either way. Better to get this over with.

"Okay. One second, let me ask her." He put me on hold and I was surprised to know that she was there with him. Guess this was going to take some getting used to, they spending all their time together. After about a minute he spoke, "Let's meet up at the Italian restaurant."

"Sure. See you at one." I hung up and slumped on the bed.

Last night was very different from most of my nights. Firstly I hadn't expected to find bag girl, Stacy there. Then I hadn't expected to be as attracted to her as I was. And finally I hadn't at all expected her to be inexperienced, like seriously. How had she managed that? 

But I was glad that she was. I have no clue why but I was.

My phone buzzed bringing me out of my thoughts.

Jade: Let's all go to Rocky's again tonight.

Adrian: Can't tonight. You guys go ahead.

My ringtone started ringing at that. Sighing I picked it up, already ready for the incoming questions.

" Why?"

"I have to go somewhere."



"Is it a girl?" Jade didn't even pause during his questions. One always felt they were being interrogated when Jade spoke to them. But I was used to it so I continued answering knowing he wouldn't stop till he was satisfied. 


"Who is she? Where did you meet her?"

"Stacy. I met her last week."

"You are hanging out with a girl for more than a week?"

"No. I bumped into her last week but spoke just last night."

"Oh. Okay. Thought you found someone to break your rules for."

"No, Jade."

"Cool then. Bring her along to Rocky's."


"Why not?"

Okay I take back saying that I didn't mind his interrogation. It was extremely annoying. "Because I don't want to. I'll bring her around some other time. Okay?"

"Don't get pissed. We won't steal your girl."

"I never said that. You know what? Chuck it. I'll talk to you later." And then I hung up the phone.

A knock sounded on my door just as I was getting ready to head out to meet up with Ian. Annoyed I opened the door and found Mr.Hector standing there with a blank expression. 

" Come on in, Mr. Hector." I held open the door and he sat on the couch looking at me straight in the eyes.

"Adrian, I need to talk to you about Molly." Shit! I had promised to take her to that stupid restaurant. "I get that you are attracted to her as she is quite beautiful but I need you to stay away from her."

I stared at him wide eyed. The fuck just happened here? He thought I was attracted to his daughter?

"Okay." I nodded not being able to contain my happiness.

"Well that was easier than I thought. But either way she is younger than you and I don't think you both should get involved."

I choked on my saliva then. He thought me and her were involved! Where in the world did he come up with those ideas? Must have been Molly. She was a known blabber mouth and everybody knew how she loved to exaggerate.

"No offense, Mr. Hector, but I was never involved with your daughter. She is too young for me." 

"You weren't?" I nodded and he continued, "That's great. Anyway, I'll get going now. You seemed to be heading out too. Nice talk." He patted my arm awkwardly and walked out.

I shook my head clear as I walked down the stairs and onto my bike.

At exactly six fifty - five I parked in her driveway and walked up to her door. Even before I could knock, the door opened and a girl stood in front of me. 

"Hello. Adrian isn't it?" She smiled and I nodded confused.  She must have noticed my confusion for she continued, "I am Anna. Stacy 's sister."

"Hey, Anna." 

"Mom I am heading out now. See ya." I heard her voice before I saw her. Dressed in skin tight black jeans and an off shoulder, over-sized white tee with her hair tied up in a messy bun she looked breath taking. Even before I could utter a word she grabbed hold of my hand and pulled me out of the house. I waved a clumsy bye to Anna before we were out the door.

"Come back before midnight." I heard a voice before we were at my bike. 

"Sorry about that. They can get pretty embarrassing sometimes so it's better to completely avoid such situations." She twirled a lock of stray hair as she tried to explain.

"It's okay. Your sister seemed pretty cool to me." I got on the bike and handed her her helmet.

"She is. But can be pretty intrusive and honest sometimes." She sat on the bike and held onto my shoulders sending a warm fuzzy feeling running through me. Before I could dwell much on that I revved the engine and zoomed out of her driveway heading towards my most favourite place in the world.

A/N: I promised an update but didn't for so long and I am really sorry about that. Long story short after this filler I am going to be updating much sooner. Keep reading lovelies. :)

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