Chapter 4

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After the exhausting photo shoot I turned off my camera and started walking out of the showroom.

"Hey, Adrian! Wait up!" Ian called out and I waited for him to catch up with me. "What's the hurry?"

"Nothing. Just wanted some fresh air and.." I paused searching for a way to complete my sentence without telling him the truth.

"And?" He prodded.

"And nothing. Just tired. And the lights, they are blinding. I needed a break from that. Yeah. That's it." 

"Who are you kidding? You are hiding. But the real question is whether you are hiding from Victoria or Miranda." He smiled a knowing smile at me and I knew he wasn't going to give it up. He knew me too well.

"Both actually." I heaved out a sigh.

"But what's the problem with Miranda? She is your type and she is single too." He rose his eyebrows at me and looked so shocked that I wondered whether Ian saw me as just a player?

"And that exactly is the problem." 

We both were walking towards the parking lot and I could see his red Chevrolet Cruze sparkling like the diamond it was. Ian's dad was a rich business man but he didn't join the family business since his interests lay elsewhere. Though he didn't like to flaunt his wealth, cars were a completely different matter. He bought cars like an obsessed person and this was his very new gift for himself.

"I don't see how it is the problem."

"The problem is, Ian, I have already dated her and she doesn't seem to understand why it can't happen again." 

"Oh. Now I see the problem." He scratched his short beard unconsciously and gazed through me.

"Don't think too hard. You can't afford to lose anymore brain cells." I smacked him on his back and got onto my bike.

"Ha ha. Very funny." 

"You can go after her if you want, you know. No need to ask." I winked at him suggestively. I knew he liked blondes and especially blondes with killer model figures.

"Nah. Thanks. You can keep her." He looked away from me and I immediately narrowed my eyes. Ian Case had just said no for a girl like Miranda. Something was seriously wrong with him.

"Dude.." I started but he cut me off.

"Before you start asking. I have a confession to make." He looked uncomfortable and I wondered what was bothering him. Nothing ever bothers Ian.

"Go on." I had to keep my guard ready, just in case.

"I-" He shuffled his feet and looked everywhere but at me. He was making me nervous.

"Ian. What happened?"

He finally looked at me and said, "I, I am seeing this girl-"

"That's it? You could have said so. Man, you scared me for a moment there." I started chuckling thinking how nervous he looked. "But why were you so nervous? It's okay if you didn't want to date Miranda. Bro's over Hoe's remember?"

"That's not it. There's more to it." He still looked like he had swallowed a huge amount of ice-cream in one gulp and was going through one of those internal brain freezes. It was funny but the situation made me more anxious.


"Remember that night at Rocky's?" I nodded and he continued, "Remember Shirley?"

"Shirley?" I was completely lost and had no idea where this was going.

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