Chapter 6

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A/N: Take a deep breath. It is a steamy chapter and bound to get you breathless. Yeah one more thing, don't play the song till the end.


I turned around and shrugged.

"You don't know him?" Rocky asked.

"Nope." I replied popping the 'p'. Did I though? I tried to think if I had seen him before but couldn't remember.

"But he does seem to know you. He keeps looking at you."

"No, Rocky, I don't. Maybe it's a case of mistaken identity."

"Are you sure? Maybe you fooled around one day. I swear I won't hold it against you." He wiggled his eyebrows making me laugh. What he was suggesting was hilarious.

"Yup, I am sure. I didn't fool around with anyone."

"What a loss! He is hot." He sighed as he looked behind me.

"If I had fooled around with him then, it would have been a loss since he wouldn't be batting for your team." I corrected him.

"Maybe he is bisexual?" The longing in his eyes made me sad.


"Rocky! Can you come here, please? Mitchell is wrecking the place!" Mark's voice came through the back door and Rocky grimaced.

"One day I'll have to fire her."

"You know you won't. You care for her a lot." I smiled.

"Yeah. I just hope she learns though. It is getting difficult since people keep pouring in."

"Aha! 'Rocky's' is getting popular! Congratulations!" I rose my hand and waited for his five.

"You are a kid, you know that?" He grinned giving me a five.

"Yup and you love me." I downed my drink.

"Slow down, will you? Drowning your problems in alcohol is never the solution." He put his hand on mine to stop me from pouring myself another drink.

"Says the man who owns a bar. Do you want to go out of business?" I narrowed my eyes at him and saw his filled with concern. "Okay. Okay. I am just having a very shitty week so if you can cut me some slack, I would be grateful."

"Since this is your first time, I'm letting you be but promise me this won't become a habit." He wiggled his finger in front of my face.

"Promise." I grinned.


"I guess I'll have to go." He palmed his face.

"Just go It'll be fine. I'll be fine." 

"Just try not to drink up the entire place, okay?"

"Scout's honour, sir." I held up three of my fingers in a scout salute and Rocky went out the back chuckling.

I had just poured myself my next drink when someone said, "Should you be drinking so much?"

I turned around to see who the douche was and found myself face to face with the weird guy. The guy who seemed to know me.

"Oh! It's you." I groaned.

"So you do know me?" He looked almost... hopeful?

"Yeah. You're the guy who was staring at me." I stated.

"So you don't remember?"

God! This was annoying. "No! I don't. Now off you go." I motioned with my hands to shoo him away.

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