Chapter 2

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Knock! Knock! "Adrian!"

I sat up groggily when the knocking continued.


"Yes?" Who the hell was it, so early in the morning?

"It's me Molly."

Oh shit! Not early in the morning.

I got up and ran to the bathroom. Brushed, shaved and showered. I wore my jeans, a button-up shirt and my leather jacket. I almost forgot my camera but picked it up and prayed to God to give me courage. Finally I opened the door to find Molly Hector still standing there with a tray which obviously had coffee and sandwiches. 

"Thanks." I mumbled, grabbed one and started to rush down the stairs when she caught my hand.


 "Yes Molly?" Oh no!

"You never did take me to that restaurant you were talking about." She smiled at me, her blond curls framing her girlish face.

"Molly look," I didn't have any more patience in me so I decided the truth was the best answer, "I can't take -"

"Molly, is everything alright? Is Adrian giving you a hard time?" Mr.Hector stepped out of his flat. He was Molly's dad and the owner of my apartment. I had gotten the apartment at a really affordable cost because Molly had taken an interest in me and had convinced her dad to reduce the price but since then she had assumed that she and I would become a 'thing'. The only 'thing' keeping me from bursting her bubble was standing right in front of me.

"I don't know dad, I am waiting for an answer here." Molly replied while still looking at me expectantly. 

This girl was becoming unbearable now. I freed my hand from her cheerleader death grip and said, "I would be delighted to take you but I don't have the money for it. When I get my salary I'll take you." I smiled as sweetly as possible at her.

"Okay. But you promise right?" She pleaded with what I assume she thought was a puppy dog face and I just nodded.

Satisfied she turned to her dad and grinned making him relax and go back inside.

One of these days she'll get me kicked out of this place and I could sense that it was going to be pretty soon.

Once out in the streets I breathed heavily and thanked my lucky star. "Phew! That was close."

'Baby I'm preying on you tonight. Hunt you down, eat you alive. Just like animals..' My phone rang and I picked up without looking at the caller ID.


"Where the hell are you?!"

"Ian calm down. I'll be there in a few."

Ian Case was my buddy and worked with me for the fashion magazine "PROBE". He was a photographer for the inanimate things women called fashion and I was the photographer. I photographed the models. A dream job.

"Dude you forgot!"

"Forgot what?"

"Today we have the showroom photo-shoot idiot!"

Damn! I forgot. I groaned audibly and murmured, "I'll be there as soon as possible."

"What's wrong?"

"Molly." I didn't need to say anything else. Ian knew her and all about her.

He laughed into the phone and said, "Why don't you just date her man? She isn't too bad looking."

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