Chapter 3

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"Taxi!" I called out and slid into the one that had just stopped.  "To the Gucci Showroom in Durston. And step on it."

He nodded and I jerked forward in my seat as he sped up. I was really, really late.

I hastily took out my phone and checked out the email from Mr. Waltz. It even had a picture so, I could get it easily.

I got out of the cab as soon as it stopped and rushed into the showroom.

"Can I help you miss?" A red-head salesman asked, clearly surprised by my hurry.

"I'd like to buy a Gucci bag, model number 206 A. I have a picture if it helps."

"You want to buy a Gucci bag?!" He looked me up and down, finding it hard to believe.

I gave myself a quick once over. I was wearing my favourite ripped jeans with a black button down and had on my boots. Granted I was not amazingly dressed but I wasn't poorly dressed either.

"Yes me." I gave him my sweetest fake smile and he narrowed his eyes at me. I didn't break eye contact and could almost hear the internal debate he was having, on one hand I could just be wasting his time because I had no money and on the other I could be a valuable customer.

Finally, after what seemed like a long time, he shook his head and put on his salesman smile while saying," Model number 206 A, you say?" I could see that he was still considering to kick me out but at least he was trying to be nice about it.

"Yup the very one. And here's the picture."

I showed him the picture and his eyes widened when he saw the picture. He visibly gulped, gestured at the nearby sitting area and said, "Just a moment. Please have a seat."

"Um. Okay." I slumped down on the sofa and looked at the retreating back of the salesman. What was wrong with him? What's the big deal with model number 206 A? 

I didn't have to wait long to find out. Soon enough the salesman came back with a lady in a suit. Her badge read 'Manager'. Seriously? What had I done?

"Ma'am I heard you want to buy model number 206 A?" Her question sounded accusatory.

"Yes I did. What is this big deal over that bag? It is just a bag and  I want to buy it. Actually I need to buy it and as soon as possible." I glanced at the clock and I was running out of time.

"Just a bag?!" She gasped and put her hand to her chest. "I'll pretend you didn't just say that. And what do you mean need to?"

"My boss needs the bag." I rolled my eyes at her exaggerated response.

"Your boss?"

"Mr. Sebastian Waltz needs that bag and I need to be out of here in the next five minutes if I want to keep my job. And believe me I do!" I had had enough with these questions, now I just wanted the bag.

"Mr. Sebas-" She choked. "Why didn't you say so? I am Mrs. Robinson and this is Mr. Mathew who will get the bag for you." She glared at poor Mr. Mathew and he scampered off. "Now in the meantime do you want any refreshments Miss?"

"Stacy, Stacy Brown. And no thank you. I am fine." Well what a turn that was. I knew Mr. Waltz had power and was influential but this powerful that just his name would change Mrs. Robinson was astonishing.

"What is so great about this model?" I was curious. I had to know.

"Ma'am she is a limited edition Gucci bag. There are only two pieces of that bag left. She is made of pure crocodile skin and though she has been based on a 1975 model, she has been updated for modern times." She looked through me dreamily and I barely suppressed my urge to vomit.

Crocodile skin? Eww!

"..She is a beauty. You'll see. You'll see." 

Just then Mr. Mathew came running holding what looked like a silver tray on which lay the bag. He looked afraid to touch it and I could see why. It was shining brightly and one would be afraid of reducing its shine and lustre by touching it.

"Ah. Here she is. Isn't she a beauty?" I wanted to tell her it was a bag and not a she and her referring it to as a she was creepy but I couldn't do it. I knew it would be a futile attempt to make her see sense.

"Yeah it- she is." I smiled and she grinned  back.

I quickly paid for it with my new 'card' and got out of the showroom but not before Mrs. Robinson, which was a very weird name for anyone, bid goodbye to her.

I ran into the streets and before I could call for a taxi I started feeling dizzy. The pain in my throat was still there but now I was feeling faint. The entire market seemed to be spinning around me and I felt as though I was standing on a platform which was being rotated violently. 

As suddenly as the dizziness had arrived it vanished. I wasn't dizzy anymore but I knew that there was something horribly wrong with me. 

I wasn't very far away from the lab and could reach there on foot. They had told me to inform them of any and every effect it had on me. I started running towards the lab through the marketplace which was now crowded. 

I bumped into someone and the searing pain in my throat was all I could think about. The person in front of me was talking. I could see his blue eyes and I could make out that he was trying to say something but the pain was too much to bear now. I was numb and it felt like my insides were burning up.

The person in front of me pulled at his hair and I suddenly thought how good-looking he was. Funny finding him in such a situation. 

He shook me and that seemed to snap me out of my numb haze. I knew what I had to do. I needed to go to the lab and the sooner I would reach there, the better it would be. 

With that thought I left the good-looking stranger behind me and ran towards the lab before the pain could become any worse.


Sorry guys for the late update. Had exams going on and tons of studies to do. I know this is just a filler and a very short chapter but don't worry I'll update the next chapter soon enough. 

The photograph is of the Gucci bag. I felt I couldn't describe it well enough in words hence the picture. ----->

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