Chapter 5 - Viscarias

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[Y/N] joined Camilo to greet the guests, watching him while he shape-shifted onto different people to say hello. She began to space out when he call your name desperately. "Need help, mi cielo?" (My heaven) 

"Yes!" She smiled and began entertaining the boys by floating them up and down. "Now go inside! Don't want to leave the food waiting!" The children giggled while they ran to the house. "Phew." She laughed, and strolled inside. Camilo jogged up to meet her pace, and they walked together. There was some music playing, and they just watched the party while sharing jokes quietly. Soon, it was time for the gift ceremony. 

"Fifty years ago, we were given a miracle..." Alma's voice trailed off, [Y/N] had asked once and she memorised all of it. Plus, she could just look into the past later if she wanted to hear it again. She snapped back when Antonio wouldn't move, worried. She gripped Camilo's hand, and he tightened his in return. Her grip went slack after Antonio started walking towards the door with Mirabel. When they passed her, she put her thumbs up and mouthed, you're doing great! Mirabel smiled and whispered back, thank you, as they continued to walk. Alma said the customary questions that she asked her all those years ago, and Antonio reached for the doorknob, hesitating slightly, and touched it. The door pulsed, and a perfect image of Antonio and some animals was etched on the door.

"Impressive," [Y/N] whispered. 

"Yeah," Camilo replied. 

"Come on!! Let's go!" The two giggled at the excited children trying to run into the room. Camilo begun to drag [Y/N] to his hermano's room, [Y/N] insisting that he should slow down. Once they got there, there was bright music playing and people dancing. 

"Mi amo, may I have this dance?" She glanced to see Camilo bowing to her. She giggled, and replied, 

"Of course, mi principe!" They began to dance, many towns-people glancing at them and chuckling, nearly all of them thought they were together. After all, [Y/N] only opened up to him and Mirabel. (The rest thought she was with Mirabel, funnily enough.) 

"Can we go somewhere more private?" She raised an eyebrow. 

"Alright." They carefully walked to the exit, making sure no-one notices them and calls them to re-join the party. "So!" [Y/N] says the second they're out. "Whatcha wanna talk about?" Camilo glanced away. "Is it embarrassing? Is it...GASP, blackmail?" He scoffed slightly.

"No, well yes, but no." She was slightly taken back. She had never seen him so serious and...was that embarrassment? 

"You know you can tell me anything, right," she softly said. 

"I just need to get this out before I chicken out, you don't need to reply or anything-"

"You're word vomiting." Patience is key.

"Agh, I'll just say it." She patiently waited for him to sort out his thoughts. "I... like you." She blinked. No way... nopenopenopeNOPE.


"NO, I meant like... like-like you, like love you." 

The actual f- I mean magikarp. [Y/N] stood there in shock. "It's ok if you don't like me, I'll just leave-"

"NO! I mean, sorry, I didn't think you liked me back." Camilo's eyes widened.


"I meant..." she looked at the floor. "I like you too." Camilo just stood there. "Milo? Milooo." She waved her hand in front of his face which seemed to snap him out of his trance.

"Do you...want to go on a date together?" [Y/N] smiled and nodded. He opened his mouth to speak when someone shouted his name.


"One second!" They stared at each other for a second when he decided to take the initiative. He leaned over and kissed her forehead quickly before running to where he was needed. She could see red ears poking out of his hair. They should be finished by now- 

"AGH!" A painful headache abruptly came, and she slid down a wall. "Oww, ow, ow, ow..." Tears were  nearly sliding down. 


"H-here." Camilo's curly hair came into view. 

"Are you ok?" 

"No-" She gasped. 


In the main room.

Mirabel cut herself. 

She's scared. 

I'm scared.

The candle's flickering. 

I can't see anymore- 

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