Chapter 12 - Gillyflowers

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Three years later...

'[Y/N]!! Where are you?!'

Oh my God. Don't tell me one of those stupid villagers need help again.

"[Y/N]! Where's my jewellery gone?! I woke up this morning to see it disappeared!" She fake-smiled and pretended to use her second gift to look for it.

"A their?"

"But I didn't hear anything!"

"Don't you usually keep it near a window?" The woman hesitated.


"So the thief must have used the window to reach in and grab it. He must be long gone," she said in fake sympathy. The woman wailed.

"That was my ancestral necklace!"

"My condolences." She smiled pityingly and began to walk away.

"W-what a sweet girl," she heard the woman say between her sobs. Her smile turns into a scowl.

Stupid woman. She reached in her pocket once she was in the shadows to pat a many-diamond studded necklace. Good riddance.


Hours later, [Y/N], wearing significantly different clothes, stepped out with a heavy satchel, filled with things from a variety of townspeople. Carefully checking if her father was asleep, she walked outside, cautiously heading to the woods towards the hills. "Ah, [Y/N]!" She winced.

"Andres," she said in a clipped tone.

"When will you go out with me?" From the slur in his voice, she could tell he was drunk. He slung his arm around her shoulders and she grimaced, using her thumb and forefinger to pinch his clothes to get his arm off.

'Please get off me," she said in a clipped tone.

"Why?" [Y/N] scowled. Andres laughed. "Oh, don't be like that! Wear a smile!" He reached to stretch her mouth into a smile, which she responded to by leaning back.

"Don't touch me." With a small flick of her fingers, Andres was pushed back with her telekinesis, and she ran out to the forest with his shouts following her. As soon as she got far enough to be hidden from view, she laughed. "Take that!" she whisper-yelled excitedly. Using her telekinesis, she boosted herself to run faster, getting away from the town of her grief.

The happiness and laughter quickly dissipated after a couple days on the run. Finding the necessities was hard work, and having to stay hidden from human contact meant that everything became that much harder. After spending weeks in the jungle, cutting through the vines, she finally reached the mountains. [Y/N]'s mouth set into a form line. 'Here we go.'



In a certain Casita, in a village hidden by mountain, Dolores dropped her plate. 'Dolores? What's wrong?' She turned to Pepa with tears in her eyes.

'Mami. She's back.'


Stumbling on the road, [Y/N]'s eyes lifted to see the bridge that Luisa made so long ago. She inhaled sharply. 'Encanto,' she breathed. The corners of her lips lifted and she began running to the village she spent most of her life in. Her hand holding her bag, she saw Dolores and Luisa and Mirabel and Isabel and everyone in the village square and...

'CAMILO!' He lifted his arms and she threw herself at him. The claps and whistles faded into the background as they twirled around, foreheads pressing together. His grinning face whispered,

'You came back.'

'I came back.'

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