Chapter 9 - Tansies

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Mirabel tensely watched Dolores as they waited at the dinner table. [Y/N] just glanced at the two and pretended that that was normal. "Everyone!" Abuela called out. "Go to the front door to greet the guests!" She bobbed her head before heading to the door. She gave a small curtsy at the guests before looking at them. [Y/N] paled immediately. Why him? she thought frantically. She unconsciously took small steps backwards before curtseying again.

"F-father. May I be of service?" Dolores looked alarmed. The man's mouth twisted into a sneer before just as quickly dropping.

"I haven't seen you in so long! No, why don't we just go eat." To others, it may have seemed as a friendly greeting, but [Y/N] knew better. Respectfully nodding, she retreated to the dining room with Camilo following her.

"I was unaware you had a daughter, Nicolas."

"Ah, Alma, she left with her mother a while ago. I had no idea what happened to them both." Lies.


Meanwhile, Camilo was trying to comfort a panicked [Y/N]. "[Y/N], what's wrong?! It's not like you to be like this!"

"I-it's nothing, Camilo..."

"It's obviously not nothing! You're on the verge of a panic attack and you haven't had once since we were ten!" She sighed.

"Look-" She was cut off when the adults came into the room. They quickly went to their seats, [Y/N] unfortunately in front of him.

"Your dress is very nice, but you would have looked better in green, [Y/N]." The family colours.

"Your hair looks a bit messy, [Y/N]." My hair isn't neat enough.

"There's this lovely boy back home, [Y/N], that really likes you." An arranged betrothal.

"Sometimes I wished that I had someone to do chores at home, it's so hard, haha." Oh... [Y/N] shamefully looked down. Camilo glanced at her before taking her hand and squeezing it.

'You okay?' he mouthed. She just subtly shook her head. Nicolas smiled (viciousness hidden from everyone except [Y/N]) and she thought she might cry.

"Alma, since it's been so long, may I bring my daughter back home? I miss having her and her company." Crapcrapcrapcrapcrap- [Y/N] was hyperventilating by now. She completely missed Dolores' and Camilo's exchange, only noticing when Camilo looked like a chameleon. She nudged him, and when he turned to face her, she pointed at her face. He shook his head and began whispering with his dad. [Y/N] just eerily watched. She seemed out of it, even when she helped Camilo. She spaced out for the whole time, only snapping out of it when Alma said,

"[Y/N]!" She gestured to the floating cutlery. [Y/N] faked an apologetic smile before looking down and whispering sorry to herself. "Anyhow, about [Y/N] going with you, why don't we ask her?" Her heart rate sped up. She never did well in social interactions. But maybe I can speak up for myself!

"I-I would prefer to s-stay." Anger flitted over his face before Nicolas' face settled into neutrality.

"May we talk after dinner? Just by ourselves, Alma." She felt sick now. She quickly excused herself, running out to the outside of Casita, with Camilo following her.

"Hey," he called out, grabbing her wrist. "Hey, are you okay?" She half-smiled at him.

"I don't know." Picking up on the idea that she might not want to talk about it, he instead smiled and said,

"What about I take you on that date I promised you?"

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