Chapter 10 - Red roses

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"What about I take you on that date I promised you?" [Y/N] just blinked. 

"Huh?" Camilo smiled. 

"To get your mind off things. There's this nice spot in the forest which I would like to take you." She smiled back. 



"[Y/N], you can open your eyes now!" She slowly blinked her eyes open. Quickly adjusting her eyes to the low light, she gasped.

"Camilo! It's beautiful!" She was staring at a giant field of flowers, her mouth stretched into a gentle smile. "Is this where you got that daffodil?" He grinned⁰ sheepishly.

"Yeah. So, do you like this?"

"Of course, mi vida!" She obliviously ran to the fields, leaving Camilo and his tomato face behind.


"Mi amor, where are you?!" [Y/N] took a deep sniff of an orchid in front of her and said,

"I'm over here!" She could hear footsteps running towards her before she felt Camilo panting.

"Why'd you run off, mi corazón (my heart)?"

"Lo siento (sorry), 'Milo, I saw lots of flowers." He chuckled.

"I should've know you would do that." They both smiled at each other. Deciding to be bold, [Y/N] quickly planted a brief kiss on his lips. She pulled back, admired the dazed chameleon look on his face. She giggled.

"You look very cute, mi sol (my sun)." He shook his head quickly and she pouted.

"I think we should go back now." She hesitated slightly before beginning to agree when-

"OH MY GOD, [Y/N], ARE YOU OKAY?!" She was clutching her head, having just emitted a high pitched screech of pain.

Abuela - or is it Senora Alma now - and padre speaking-

"Look, breathe slowly- breathe slowly!" Someone grasped her hand leading it to a solid thing that rose and fell. "See, like this."

-he's saying I'm a monster, that I caused so many problems back in Jerico-

"Oh- no- shit, don't cry, nope PLEASE DON'T CRAWL INTO A BALL THAT'S WORSE-"

-He's saying I was so snobbish and entitled and that I always bragged and said I was the best-

"[Y/N]! CALM DOWN- Oh SHIT, that won't help-" She could only hear sobs.

-and she's fucking believing him, she believes I'm a little terrorist, I fuck things up, that I'm a little bitch and I don't deserve to be here and that I'm disgusting-

"[Y/N]!!" Her head snapped, nearly unnaturally. "Calm down, please calm down, breathe with me, ok?" She shakily nodded. "Ok, in 2, 3, out through your mouth, 3, 4." They repeated it a few times before Camilo slowly lowers his hand and stops. "Are-" He slowly exhaled through his mouth. "No, sorry, bad wording. Can- can I do anything to help?" She gave a quiet chuckle, and he took it as a win.

"Unless you can prevent me from being dragged away and getting potentially being tortured or executed, you can't." He flinched and stared.

"What!" She smiled bittersweetly.

"Don't worry, I'll be alright. We should get going, by the way. It's nearly midnight." She got up, leaving Camilo scrambling behind to catch up.

Currently writing this on my phone, yes I edit on my laptop but still. I'm pretty sure I promised drama but I'm way too lazy for that so 🤷🏻‍♀️

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