Harry and Liam?

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Back to chapter 2: The surprise:

"So it's a full moon tonight and me and the boys are going to get some food for us and you guys. And don't worry we are just going to feed on animals now! You and Clarissa are going to be in the same room where it's no windows so you guys don't escape." Harry said.

Oh my bloody god. Did he just say that it's a full moon tonight? And that I'm going to be in the same room as Clarissa?

This is not going to be good...

Roxy's P.O.V

I can't believe it's the full moon tonight. What if I change to my wolf? And what if Clarissa see it? What would she think?

Oh my god. She will hate me. Like really, really hate me! No, what am I talking about? She would be freaking scared of me!

What am I going to do? Did he say a room without windows?


Maybe I won't change if I don't see the full moon. I hope so! I really don't want anyone to see me like...You know.

I just want to be a freaking human.

Why can't I just have one wish that can come true?


What? Why did I just say Niall in my head right now? Scary

I know I love Niall but now that I know his big secret, I don't know. Why wouldn't I like him? He is a vampire and I'm a wolf. I just said why I couldn't like him. I'm a wolf and he is a vampire


Niall ran in to my room screaming..

"No...." I said still wonder how the hell did he know that..

"Don't lie! I can hear you thoughts!" oh... that's how... wait...

"Did you say NIALL in my head?"

"Yes but don't change the subject! Are you a freaking wolf?" god... now I know why I couldn't like him.

"why?" Niall asked

"HEY! Stop reading my minds and back off!" He took a step back from me and looked at me with the 'answer fast' face.

"Ok! I guess I can't lie since you are reading my thoughts. Yes, I am a wolf but I can expla..."

"I knew it!" Niall said TOO LOUD!

"Okeey. Now let me finish my sentence. I can explain. I didn't wanna be a wolf. My dad was a wolf and he wanted me to be with him and rule the world and that shit. But I didn't wanna rule the world with him but he didn't listen so he just bit me and with that I got changed into a wolf. I escaped from my dad and the pack with my mom that is also a wolf. And since then me and my mom has lived in the woods and I have still gone on school and had a normal human life without the wolf changing when it was full moon" I said finally finishing my story

"wait... Do you just change when the full moon is up?" Niall asked... God, so many questions. I hate questions!

"Yeah, or when I see the full moon. And it is a full moon tonight so I can't be in the same room as Clarissa! I just can't. We are best friends and I don't want anything to happen between us!"

"Ok.. I'll see what I can do."

He is so sweet. Why? Okeey... This is freaking me out! Niall is nice to me and so is Harry. Gosh!

"Do you want anything to eat? Harry is making us dinner."

Is Harry making dinner? Do vampires eat at all?

Vampires are just troubleحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن