Niall and Roxy

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***Niall and Roxy: Pictureee----->*****

Niall's P.O.V

I walked up to Roxy. Maybe it wasen't the perfect time but how knows it is one at all? So I took the chance and asked her.

"Hey. emmm.... Can I talk to you alone?" I asked her. She nodded.

I heard she say inside her head 'Please get me out of here I can't stand them any more. I'm staring to cry!' She said. I took her hand and hold it soft

Believe me. When I toughed her I got butterflies in my tummy.

I followed her to my room. It was not far away from the living room

" So here we are..ha...ha" I said. So ridicules!! Can't I really do better, huh? Help mee!!!!

"yeah.. we're in your room.. huh?" She is so cute.

'Is that all I can say? Oh god, he is so cute!!' I heard her say inside her head. Well, i guess I have a chance...So i make the move.

" .ehmm.. wanna go out with me?" Please say yes!! Please say yes!! Please say yes!!

"Yes" I heard her say. Did she say yes? I can't believe my ears. I think actually my mouth dropped and my eyes wide.

"Yes? Did you say yes?" I asked her

"No! I haven't answered! Do you read my minds again, Niall?"

Crap.. She said yesøin her head. Stupid curse!!

"sorry, I can't do anything about it." I said to her looking down at the grown.

"It's okey. And yes." What? I don't understand.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean. Yes! I wanna go out with you."


"Niall?" I stopped celebrating in my head


"You just screamed that out loud." Oh... That was awkward..

"oh.." I said. Roxy starting laughing the same did I. Once again we laughed our asses off! Ha!

"So what about tonight?" I asked her when I though we were done laughing. We wasen't but she still answered.

'yeah. That would be great' I heard her say inside her head I love when she does that!

"So lets go!" I said holding my bedroom door open for her. I have though about this day since the moment I looked at her in the eyes. I knew what I've gonna do.

I knew Harrt has asked Clarissa on date so I'm going to ask them about a double date I don't know what Clarissa will say but I know Harry would say 'yes' or 'ok'.

So I've talk to Clarissa first.

" Hey, Roxy. What about a double date, huh? I can ask if Harry and Clarissa can come? Only if you want to! Maybe Louis and Lorrie will come too."

She nodded and I smiled with a BIG smile

I went to were Clarissa was but before I got there someone graped my arm.

"Let me talk to her and you can ask Harry and the others." Roxy said It was a good Idea so I nodded and went the other way were Harry, Louis and Lorrie where.

Roxy's P.O.V

I though that I could talk to Clarissa. That was the best way! She is probably still freaked out about me being a werewolf So maybe a double that with her and Harry would be a good idea.

"Hi, Clarissa. I'm really, really sorry for what happened!! I wish I didn't was a werewolf but I am. And I can't do anything about it. So can you PLEAASE forgive me?" I asked her and I meant every word I said! I didn't want to be a werewolf never did! But I can't change the past. Fuck past!

" Of course I forgive you! I love you and nothing can change that!"

When I heard that my heart shined from the corner to the other corner. I was so glad for hearing that! We went to a bit friend ship hug. God, I missed those hugs.

" So Niall asked me out on a date and we wonder if you and Harry want to come with us? Niall is asking Harry and Louis and Lorrie is maybe coming too" I said to her she looked excited for me to say.

" Oh my godness!! It was on timw Niall askes you out!! And I will love to go on a date with Harry, you, Niall, Louie aaaand Lorrie!" Well know were going on a double date..or a triple date? Don't know. Ha...

Clarissa and I went to Niall and asked him what the other said. Before he could say a word Louis came in and shouted "THRIPEL DATEE BABEYYY!"

Everybody laughed of his funniness ***Not a word! I knooow!***

Now It's time for triple date.

Louis took Lorrie's hand and walked out the door.

Harry took Clarissas's hand and walked out the door. She looked so happy! I'm so glad for her.

And Niall took my hand and followed me to the door. Before he opened the door for me......





I know the two last parts was a little short but it's school week so can't write that much! But I promise you that i'm gonna work my ass off in the winter-free-time (as I call it)

Soo you like it? Please comment, vote & follow. Would luuuve that <3

And please read my new story 'Irresiteble' it is a One Direction Fan Fiction too soo LOTS OF LOVEEE FROM ME <333


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