Two Other Kidnappers?

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Clarissa's P.O.V

I got kidnapped....again... And this time I'm sure that I wasn't kidnapped by a famous person...i think.

At least I'm a vampire so I can just kill them... What am I talking about? I can't kill them! I don't have the heart to kill anyone!

I hate that I am this monster inside of me. Why in the hell did I get changed at all?

I don't remember a shit. God! My head was hurting like freak! I now that I curse a lot now but seriously.....

I got kidnapped, I fell in love with the one that drank my blood, I had 'it' with a vampire (not that I didn't like that part) I changed into a vampire, i got pregnant with an vampire, it was twins and now I got kidnappes again.

Oh! I forgot the best part! My boyfriend (now ex boyfriend) cheated on me when I was pregnant. Perfect right? *sarcasme*

I was in a kinda room. Totally dark. Not a thing to see. Not a noice I hear. Nothing...

The room smelled poo? Whatever.. It just smelled really bad. I would kill myself if I wasn't bound to a bed

Wait! Was I bound in a bed!!! I looked up at your hands that was bound into a bed. I was shocked like freak!

I am a vampire.. I can just rip me free so I did. Yey I'm free... Or not actually..

I heard the door slam open and the lights went on. I covered my eyes with my hand because the light blended me.

"How did you get lose?!?" A man said.

He wasn't that old actually. He had that hair like Louis have and he had a good style. Hey! Is that Louis?

No... They look different but the hair and the style was the same. (lol) or... No I was just blended by the light. He had NOT a good style. Liked his shoes though.

He had (like I said) hair like Louis. His eyes were brown though so deffently not Louis.

He had on a black shirt and black pants. His shoes was goldish so he wasn't just black. I almost thought he was an emo.

I don't think it's real gold but a cool style of shoes. We two should go on shoe-shopping together sometime.

Wait... What? He just kidnapped you and you wanna go shoe-shopping with him. Clarissa... You are so patetick.

"Heloo! Whore get out of your whore world whore!" The man said.

Did he just call me a whore? WHORE!!!? If I wasn't nice I would suck every drop of his blood. Asshole!

"I'm not a whore!" I said snapping. Not a good idea but I'm a freaking vampire! I'm not scared of him.

"And the whore got guts" He said. God he's such an asshole. Do he live in his ass hole? Because it seems so.

"Hey... Don't have to be so rush" Another man said as he walked in the room.

This man What is it about me always getting kidnapped by hot men. I need help...

He had blond hair and blue eyes. God! I love him already wait what? Forget the last part....

Stupid hormoses... Oh no! I feel

I threw up... Perfect *sarcasme*

"Hey! You almost threw up on my shoes YOU WHORE!" The brown hair boy said

"I'M NOT A WHOOORE!!!" I yelled at him as I stood up and hit him.

He flew up to the wall and then he fall down to the floor again. Ooops... I forgot I was a vampire for a while. Shot

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