The Full Moon

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Zayn's P.O.V

Tonight is the full moon. And we are going hunting while Clarissa and Roxy is in the house.

I must admit that it's hard not to suck Clarissa's blood out of her. She smells so good! She must be very nice since she smells like vanilla.

NO! I need to control my self or else Harry will kill me if I kill her. I don't want to kill her either.

Harry likes her a lot! Or yeah, that is what he told me and the other boys. I hope they will be a happy living family.

I need to take a break. We are going hunting in some hours, maybe I can ask if we can go in one hour cause I can't control my self soon. She smells SO DAMN GOOD!

"Hey guys! I really am hungry for some...You know, so can we leave soon?" I asked the guys while looking over to Harry and Clarissa.

They were talking about something. Don't know what and I don't care. I just REALLY need blood right now.

"Yeah, we can leave in one sec just let me talk to Clarissa first." Harry said while walking away with Clarissa.

God. Know I starting to wonder.

Clarissa's P.O.V

Harry dragged me over to his bedroom. Oh no.. We had to go up the stairs. Gosh, I'm so lazy.

He hold my hand very sweet. Like cuplelish.***Not a word I know, but I like words with 'lish' back on it***

Ha! That was not a word. But whatever.

When we was in his bedroom he closed the door behind him and stared in to my eyes for about one minute. God, he has so beautiful greenish eyes.

He came closer to me and whispered in to my ear. That tickled a bit but I didn't show it and didn't care.

"Do you want to go out with me? I know it's weir..." Before he could finish his sentence I said.......

"Yes, I would love to Harry Edward Styles." I know... Why did I say his hole name? Well... Don't ask me because I don't know....

And with that we walked back down and hold hands.

He is so adorable! Ha..

The boys were waiting at the door. Harry kissed my cheek before he left. Again... He is so adorable!!

They left of to hunt. God... I'm not still used to the 'vampire' thing.

The full moon is coming up. Roxy and I saw it but Roxy walked down the stairs right after she saw the full moon. She kinda tried to run i think.

"Wait Roxy were are you going?" I shouted at to her. She just walked down. It seems like she is hurt or anything.

"Oh my god, Roxy!! Are you okey? Wait for me!!"

I ran after her down the stairs. She was laying in the corner like a ball.

"Roxy. Speak to me, please?" I said carefully

I don't know whats happen so I tried not to scare her.

"I-I'm changing, Cla-clarissa. Go away. GO!!" She yelled at me.

I backed of and ran up the stairs. Then I stopped. I can't leave her, I need to go down again. And what did she mean with 'I'm changing'

I walked back down and saw a FREAKING WOLF!!!!

***Hey you guys are lucky! I wanted to stop here but i'm nice so here youuuu goooo***

Oh My Freaking Harry Louis Niall Zayn LIAM! HELP GOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!

I ran as fast as I could up the stairs and saw behind me while I was running. I stopped when I crashed at the door.

No wolf was following me. ***BTW!! Pleaseee follow meeee! I would really, reallly LOVE that!!***

I left out a breath. I ran just 20 meters. Oh goood! I'm sooo lazy!

What happend with Roxy! I need to find her. She can't die from me! I will kill that freaking monster wolf if he.......or she KILLED MY BEST FRIEND!!!!!

I walked back down the stairs shaking like a chihuahua.

I saw Roxy in the same corner again. Laying like she did before, like a ball.

I walked over to her.

"Wh-what happened?"

I asked her scared as hell.

"I'-I'm a wolf, Clarissa."

Freaking...Roxy say WHAAAAAAT?!?

"What? Impossible!"

It couldn't be true. she can't be a wolf. If she is a wolf and Lorrie is a vampire and the boys are vampire...I...I... will be the only human in the house with fresh blood!

"Possible, Clarissa! My dad bet me one day and.....and it's a long story. You will hate me"


"Just tell me please! I promise I won't hate you"

She freaked me out! But she was less freaking when she was in her human and not her wolf.

"Well... I did't wanna be a wolf. My dad was a wolf and he wanted me to be with him and rule the world and that shit. But I did't wanna rule the world with him but he did't listen so he just bet me and with that I got changed into a wolf. I escaped from my dad and the pack with my mom that is also a wolf. And since then, me and my mom has lived in the woods and I have still gone on school and had a normal human life without the wolf changing when it was full moon"

Oh my freaking..........FREAKING!


So guys! I hope you liked it! Please comment, vote & fan (follow?)

Loveee you guys!! I really dooo! You are the one who make me wanna write stroies! <3 You have changed my life! <3

Answer with joy!

1. Love? Like?

2. How should Clarissa feel for Roxy now she knows her real she?

3. What was your best part in 'Hate Get Confused With Love'?

4. Have any stories you wrote that you want me to read? Or some really good stories I should read?

5. OOH!!! Have you read 'help me, please?' ???

If haven't you MUST read it!! I love that story and I promise you that you will too!!! <3

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