The Escape and The Fight

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****Flash Back:

Niall's P.O.V

We all ran in vampire speed to find Clarissa. We can't find her anywhere! Gosh! Where is she!

"Hey guys! We should split up" Zayn said. I agreed and so did the others.

So we split up.....

Flash Back Ended****

Harry's P.O.V

We split up to find Clarissa. It would be a better chance to find her.

I miss her already and I'm so god damn worried about her. It is a lot of vampires in this city and I don't want her to be dead when I find her.

I ran and ran as fast as I could. I couldn't find her! I needed to find her! I must!!! I love her and she loves me.

Ohhh! This was a big mistake! All of this. We shouldn't have kidnapped any of these people!

I shouldn't have drinking her blood. I shouldn't have kidnapped her and...and...and I should just let her go...

She needs a life a happy life and I don't know if I can be in it. But I must find her first. She can be dead and I'm not letting that happen.

After I find her I will let her go if that is what she wants but I have to know that she is safe.

I stopped as I heard a low voice say "Help me..."

That was Clarissa's voice. I can bet on it!

I ran with my vampire speed as fast as I could where the voice came from.

I saw her laying on the grown bleeding from her neck.

"Clarissa.. No...No...No... This can not be happening with you...No...Not you!" I said crying.

"Harry...I-I lo-love you." She said.

NO! She can't die! Maybe I can save her. She must be bitten by a vampire since she has two bites mark on her neck.

If she drinks my blood she becames a vampire. It's better then death...I think.

"I love you too, Clarissa! Your not gonna die! I promise! If you drink my blood you became a vampire to if you got bitten by a vampire. Did you get bit by a vampire?" I asked her nervous.

I was so stressed. I couldn't let her die. I can't live without her. I need her.

"Y-yes...He is there..." She said pointing at a dark corner.

"Steeling my food, huh?" The dark shadow came out. It was Sterling Knight.

He his the strongest vampire in London. He can kill anyone if he wants too.

If I can't change his mind about this girl I have to fight with him. He never gives his food away. He killes them and then just lat them stay were they got killed.

He never cleanes up after himself. He doesn't even care. And..Oh..shit... I forgot his power..

He can read minds aswell. It is not just minds he can read. He can do everything.

Let me just say that just one vampire get the power to do everything. To have every power a vampire can have.

So insteed that he has one power he has maybe one million powers.

"She is mine okey? I saw her first she just ran away." I lied. I tryed to say that I saw this food first but that wasn't true. I never saw her like 'food'. Never!

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