Chapter 4

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He rejected all the invitations to go out with his friends for the past weeks. And his friends even tried to lure him out by hanging out at the library. So he asked for a longer vacation from nana. And he felt extremely bad.

Like he ditched Nana every single time, and he was the only helper she had. But she never complained once, always just a silent comforting presence.

And Kongpob was grateful for her so much. Because she didn't say a single thing when Kongpob would go over while not working and sit and talk. Talk about anything and everything. He felt more anchored to life, talking to someone.

Who wouldn't bring hell upon himself?

But Nathan was becoming restless as the days passed. So worried for Kongpob because he wasn't being himself. He was becoming like the little shell he found in the beginning.

And he needed Kongpob to open up or go to someone if not him. He would be Kongpob's support and courage.

Nathan did everything, he would buy Kongpob candy and coffee. Meals when Kongpob's lips seemed extremely pale and dry. Would even give him some snacks. Or force him to eat because Kongpob would keep five feet distance and reject everything from him.

And it hurt him, but he knew there was a reason. And he'll be there for Kongpob, no matter how long it takes Kongpob to come around again. To be himself again.

So he decided to go to the library with some muffins and cake. He liked nana too, they bonded somewhat while Nathan tried wooing Kongpob. And it didn't work, Kongpob didn't even look his way. Didn't accept anything given, unless it was by force.

Or Nana compelled to do so, saying he was being rude. And Nathan didn't want to be treated as an obligation, he deserved better, But it was Kongpob. And Nathan didn't mind being the last choice, as long as he WAS a choice.

He just wanted Kongpob to be okay and be in his life. And as much as he wanted to hold, kiss, and wake up with Kongpob in the morning, he would suck it up if Kongpob didn't want it. He wouldn't force someone to like him back.

But he was confused, they were okay. Kongpob even responded positively to his approaches and he thought he was getting all the right signals. So he let his heart fall. And was broken.

He walked into the air-conditioned building, letting out a sigh. He hated the scorching sun, which almost burned off his skin.

He walked over with a bright smile, lifting the container of muffins in the air.

"Are they blueberry?" Marie asked with sparkles in her eyes.

"Nana you are not allowed to eat sweets," Kongpob mumbled from behind.

"Don't listen to him. He is a party-pooper," Marie grabbed a big blueberry muffin, thanking Nathan and taking a huge bite before Kongpob could take it away.

"Nana," Kongpob groaned at the huge bites she was taking. "Here have some water."

Kongpob pushed a water bottle to Marie, who smiled with muffin crumbs all between her teeth. While Kongpob just stared at her with a disbelieving look.

Nathan chuckled at their interaction and handed Kongpob a muffin with some coffee. Kongpob stared strictly at the floor, twiddling with his fingers. And didn't look up as he heard a sigh.

"Give it to me," Marie smiled, taking another sip.

"No," Kongpob grabbed the muffin and took a small bite, frowning at Marie. Nathan smiled, sharing a look with Marie, mouthing a small thank you. While she pointed to another muffin.

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