New family in town (episode 1)

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Ellie POV:
Harper, Ellie wake up it's time for school our mom Jess says. Harper and I share a room and we have a brother named Topher. Harpers the oldest and Toph is the youngest i'm the middle a child but i'm adopted so we get weird stares when we say we are siblings. Topher get up it's not our fault you went to The Tremont last night, I say. Well then you'll never guess what I say or should I say who. Wait who did you see then? asks Harper. I saw Savannah say's Topher. NO WAY YOU SAW SAVANNAH! Harper and I say at the same time. KIDS GET IN THE CAR says mom. COMING all of us say.

**Time Skip to school
I'm walking with Harper in the hallway when we see a kid struggling to open his locker I say Harper i'm going to help him she says ok. I walk over and kick his locker, hey thanks he says. Works every time I say as I walk away. As i'm in Mrs. Douglas's class she announces we have a new student named Griffin. We all turn to look at him i'm sitting in the desk in front of the new kid. He says his name is Griffin Campbell and that his family moved here from Chicago.Poor kid Mrs.Douglas keeps asking him questions he says he likes music, hey me too I say in my head. Quinn calls him lame did I also mention Topher and his friends are in my class they are so annoying. Topher then asks why Griffin came to Sulphur Springs. Well my dad quit his job and bought an old hotel and my parents are fixing up The Tremont he says. Everyone starts to whisper then everyone starts asking about Savannah I lean over to him and say "hi my names Ellie and don't worry you don't have to answer them they are all just curious and annoying" "thanks it's been a bit of an overwhelming day" " well i'm glad I could help you can sit with my sister and I at lunch if you want" "really thanks" "no problem" and then the teacher starts class.

**time skip to lunch
I'm walking with Griffin in the lunch room with our trays and I spot Harper and she's drawing like she always is. "hey sis" I say "hey ells" says Harper. I sit beside her "Griffin you can sit down" I say "i'm harper" "Griffin" "if people see your drawings they are gonna figure you guys out" Griffin says "and how would that be" I say "you have a secret identity.. locker ninjas I noticed your guy's shoes while Ellie was kicking past my head" "well Harpers the artist i'm the musician so not really much of a secret" i say with a laugh " your into music?" " yea" I say while Harper is looking around and I look to see everyone is staring. " um do you have a not so secret identity we should know about" says Harper Griffin then says "some kids thought they saw a ghost at The Tremont people found out I live there" "YOU LIVE AT THE TREMONT" Harper screams " Harp calm down" I say " ok I haven't seen Savannah I don't even know who she is or was" Harper then pulls out her phone and shows him a picture of Savannah and shows it to him "This is Savannah Dillion she disappeared from The Tremont 30 years ago never to be seen again" "well spoiler alert the girl those kids saw last night wasn't a ghost it was my sister" "omg Topher is and idiot" I say "who's Topher" asks Griffin "oh sorry he's our little brother who asked you why you moved to Sulphur Springs in class earlier" I answer " ohh i'm sorry if this is rude but other than Harper and Topher you all don't look alike" "well i'm not blood related to them i was adopted when i was 2 when my parent died" I say "oh i'm so sorry for asking" he says "it's ok it happened a long time ago"

**after school
Harper and I are walking through the woods home "hey Harp look it's Griffin I have my red jacket we can scare him" I say she says "ok let's do it just start running through here and once he notices stop" "ok" I say. I start running and I notice he's looking over so I stop but we didn't notice there was a log and his crashed into it and fell off his bike so I run over there and I hear him say "Savannah?" so I take off my hood. Harper then asks "so you do believe in ghosts" he then stands up saying " i was just messing with you" "sure ya were" I say We then say bye and he asks "where are you going" we say "shortcut we live on the other side of the woods" Harper then starts talking about Savannah and i'm looking at Griffin I never realized how cute he actually is until now then I feel a push on my arm and realized I was staring Harper says "hey were gonna go with Griffin to The hotel" I say "ok" while blushing we then walk to the hotel.

Griffin then says "that's not what I heard rumor is people stopped coming because The Tremont is haunted" while walking in and Harper and I are looking around. His dad i'm assuming says "what did I tell you about scaring your brother and sister" his sister then says "i'm not scared" and his little brother says "you were last night" and then she shoved him. His mom says "Can we please not argue in front of company" She then turns to us and says "I'm Sarah Campbell, Griffins mom. "I'm Harper" "I'm Ellie" Griffin then says "they are friends from school"  Harper then starts going into her questions while i'm just looking around. I then hear his sister ask "who's Savannah" Griffin then says "the ghost of a kid who's supposedly been haunting the hotel for 30 years" his mom says his name and he responds with "I said supposedly" his dad then asks "where did you hear that" Harper being Harper says "there's a ton of stuff online about Savannahs disappearance"  I zone out. The power then goes out his sister says "it's Savannah" Griffin and his dad then go into the basement and i go talk to his siblings "Hey what are your names" I say "I'm Zoey" "I'm Wyatt" I then say " i'm guessing you both are twins" they say "yeah" "Well Ellie and I are sisters" they say "how" i say "i'm adopted" "oh sorry but can you show us that website" Zoey says while opening Griffins laptop i say " sure but you're not going to get scared right?" Wyatt says "we won't get scared we need to be prepared in case we see her" I look around not seeing Harper or Sarah we look at the laptop and see a video

Zoey presses play and it's Griffin in his room air strumming a guitar to the music Wyatt turns around and says "here comes the guitar god now" I say "so you do have a secret identity" he says "what are you guys doing with my laptop" Zoey then says "you did this to yourself i wasn't even trying to pay you back" Griffin and I just look at each then his mom and Harper come in and his mom says "how does pizza sound for dinner Harper, Ellie you're welcome to stay for dinner" his dad then says "they should check with their parents" Harper then says "i'll ask our mom" his mom and dad look at each other weirdly I then say "i'm adopted" they say "sorry for asking" Griffin then says "we should finish the tour" while grabbing my hand. We are walking down to the basement then Harper says "we could have skipped the basement" Griffin says "i saw something down here and wanted to check it out" We then look through and see a bunker" I say "The Tremont has a bunker" I look around and see a flashlight I say "here use this instead of your phone" he says "oh it doesn't work" I then turn on the flashlight and say "doesn't work huh?" while smiling he then shoves me playfully Harper then says "stop flirting and let's go" Griffin and I look at each other and laugh then we crawl through the shelving we get through the hall way and walk through the next door and see a cool room. We start looking around and i see the hazmat suits move a little and Griffin sees me and asks "what's wrong?" "oh i just though i saw the suits moving" he says "ok let's check it out"

we walk towards it and hear electricity and we look at each other while Harper asks "what's wrong?" we then walk through into this weird hallway and it's  covered in vines and we get to a spiral staircase Griffin and I then say "maybe this isn't such a good idea" Then harper grabs the chains and says "Griffin just open it" he says "ok" and i'm standing next to him and Harper being Harper just stats walking up the stairs and Griffin and I both say "Harper Wait"  she just keeps going and we hear this jolt and she screams and we run up the stair and through the hatch we then see her sitting by a tree and we run over and ask "are you ok" she says "you didn't feel that jolt" we both say "no" she then says "it was like electricity or something"

Griffin then says "I don't like this we should go back" I say " I agree with Griffin we should go back" Harper then stands up and says "look it's Savannah" as we see a girl running through the woods. Harper then runs after her and Griffin and I look at each other shake our heads and run after her. We then see that she was playing capture the flag someone then says "take her to get her knee checked out" Griffin then says "just some kids playing a game" i then say "but she really looks like Savannah" I then look over and my jaw drops and i say "uh guys look" as i'm pointing to the Tremont that looks like it got fixed within a super short amount of time. A kid then runs into Griffin and i'm guessing his dad says Bennett watch where you're going the kid then says "sorry" Griffin then says "dad?"

auothers note: thank you so much for reading the first chapter! i'm sorry if it's bad it's my first story i've written and i hope you guys enjoyed it sorry it was such a long chapter i'm going based off episodes I will try to post everyday but i'm very busy with school and dance so if I don't post I apologize and if you have any suggestions please leave a comment.

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